== Send your Top 10 ==
The Top 10 Reasons why two vampires with souls are better than one
10. Can now buy hair gel in bulk at the wholesale store.
9. Don&Mac226;t have to worry about there being any leftover pig's blood in the fridge.
8. Now Angel has a partner for singing duets.
7. They can exchange fashion tips on how they make black more versatile in their wardrobe.
6. The witty banter evens out all the brooding. (courtesy of Sprook)
5. To increase ratings, the WB can go for that last demographic--The Spangel shipper.
4. When one turns evil, you'll always have a spare good one.
3. They can compare notes on Buffy in......fights. What did you pervs think I was going to say?!
2. The possibility of a naked fight scene between Angel and Spike in an abandoned baby oil factory. (courtesy of wondering)
And the number one reason why two vampires with souls are better than one....
1. It gives Joss the opportunity to create another spin-off.