t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n

== Send your Top 10 ==


Top Ten Classes they should've taught at Sunnydale High

10. "Herbs and Candles...more than just items for a romantic dinner"

9. "Reading other unearthly languages"

8. "Pronouncing earthly and unearthly languages"

7. "Demons, Vampires, and Hell Gods 101"

6. "Yes. More Hell Gods"

5. "Slayers in Training 101...the art of killing and looking your best while doing it"

4. "Witches In Training 101"

3. "Everything's a weapon.....Learning to use everything around you."

2. "Computers and Techno Mages"

and the number one class they should have taught at Sunnydale High...

1. "Slayers and Watchers..you too can save the world."

[Brought to you this week by Dallas_Slayer.]