t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n

== Send your Top 10 ==


Top Ten Reasons to go to Work for Wolfram & Hart

10. Your Ouiji board is now yard sale material.

9. Cheaper insurance policies as spousal death benefits are unavailable--they'll just bring the deceased back to life.

8. HR sponsored trips to Quorthoth and Pylea now include discounted hotel and rent-a-car packages.

7. Instead of "Hell to pay," Hell's finally paying you.

6. If your performance is down you can blame it on an evil hand.

5. Eternal contracts make job security a non-issue.

4. Working the night shift means you'll never get skin cancer.

3. Musical talent they represent includes A-ha, The Bangles, and Howard Jones, but ironically not GWAR.

2. Moving up the corporate ladder made easier since you're descending the steps to hell.

And the number one reason to go to work for W&H...

1. "Krispy Kremes in the conference room!"

[Brought to you this week by Matt.]