t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n


The Top 10 Reasons NOT to Live on the Hellmouth.

10. Vampires always wear trashy clothes.

9. The initiative will constantly be crawling up your ass

8. A Siamese is always a higher bet than a Calico.

7. Every person you date is evil in one way or another.

6. You can never have a normal birthday.

5. Your computer teacher knows your boy friends darkest secrets.

4. Humans are much more dangerous on Halloween.

3. Selective Memory

2. The town occasionally goes crazy and tries to burn people at the stake.

And the number one reason not to live on the Hellmouth...

1. Your constant death and resurrection is killing your complexion, which is hard enough to manage at this age anyway.

[Credit: Eric Hendrix]