The Hellmouth Ascension
- Let Angel Go
by Tiffany Murdock -5.03.04
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Ok so there like comes a time when you just have to let go of TV shows. Even a good show like Angel can’t last forever. I mean seriously why all the campaigns to save it? It isn’t like it’s the most important thing in life to save a TV show. People who think so need serious help.
It’s like people used to write letters for social change NOT to save there TV shows! If your life is really THAT pathetic you so need to consider turning off the TV and doing something useful with your life. Like me. See I’m like a role model for you people. I keep reading all these articles talking about how TV is declining and nothing good is on anymore and ‘waah! waah! waah!’ and so on. I mean seriously! Like 400 channels aren’t enough for some people? TV has spoiled you all something bad.
When your life becomes revolved around watching an hour of TV you are so in need of a major adjustment. TV was created to help people get information and learn things NOT to entertain them to be obsessive psychos. I mean I like Angel too but am I all ‘pweese dont cancel my telewision show!’ to the networks? Umm NO! See I have this thing called a real life, and people who do these things so obviously don’t. Way too annoying to even deal with.
For instance just the other day I went to this website where all these people were putting up messages to one another saying how they should like save Angel from cancellation cause of how no quality on TV is around anymore. HELLO!! What stations have you people been watching? Have you seriously not seen the cool shows like Joan of Arcadia and the OC? Seriously turn on the TV to another station sometime and you might be surprised! There are tons of shows that are great out there and do make it but nobody talks about that! Well guess what? I am! I mean seriously cause whats next? Writing the Olympics and complaining about China winning a gold medal? Get a clue.
Not all fans are like this and for that thank God! I mean, I’d have to quit writing here cause there’d only be psychos reading. Not that I don’t mind helping out and lending a hand and things like that, but sometimes people can seriously freak you out. Like this one time one of my sisters boyfriend’s band members dyed his hair blue and she was all ‘check him out’ about it and stuff. I mean really! Didn’t that go out like two years ago? Oh who cares about her anyways?
And besides I think it’s mostly fans who were watching things like Wonderfalls who are protesting now cause they were all about protesting then too. Wonderfalls didn’t even have an audience for crying out loud and they want to save it. Shows you there logic. I so wish I could just hand them a remote and say ‘change the channel and find something new!’ But it’s so obviously wasted. How sad.
When a show loses audience it has to be let go. Deal with it. It’s life. People over in the middle east are like dying and all you care about is saving a TV show? Seriously do something productive. A show is not going to stay around just for losers who can’t find anything better to watch anyways. Besides, why not leave while still on top? If Angel stays on another season it’s going to totally fall off the networks and be remembered as a show that just went on waaay too long. If it leaves now it can maintain some dignity. I can’t say the same for the protesters. I mean like protesting the WB is going to do anything anyways. Every time I hear someone say they are going to protest a TV network I just laugh. These networks need affordable ratings and so you can just like stop with whining and go watch something else or find a real life. Your so making the rest of us fans look bad.
I mean cause I used to wonder if I were the only person who watched Angel and didn’t become like a total loon over night. I even used to think so, but I now have a fan base that says otherwise. It’s reward enough to see the encouraging words of people who like me share a totally logical view of the Jossverse. I was asked to go by the HMC message board and how cool! People love me! Here’s what people are saying about me there:
"One thing I have to say about the new HA is I like the nerve of an Official Columnist of the site going against the Accepted Local Opinion."
I mean isn’t that like totally sweet? Reading this reminds me why I’m here. There are so many article writers who just serve to popular demand cause they so obviously don’t have the nerve to give any real opinion of there own on anything. But me? I’m so honest and sincere. How can you beat that? All I have to say is thank you to all my fans out there for showing your support and emailing me and things. I mean cause can you imagine if I weren’t here and the nightmare that would be? All people could choose from is popular opinion articles and Aeryn’s hippy rant. She’s all ‘look at this flower and analyze it’ and its worse at grammar than I am! At least I’m not a total hypocrit, unless insulting grammar and then being worse at it yourself was intentional. Get a clue.
But anyways, even if the show doesn’t get cancelled don’t you feel it’s becoming a little pointless to save? I mean they actually did kill off Fred and replaced her with a psycho and she was the last female character! I don’t really wanna watch a show where the next big ship will be Angel on Wesley slash. Ewww!
I mean and just think about all the things in life you might be missing by protesting something like this. Who cares really about a cancellation? It’s not like Joss isn’t going to write a movie or have a new project sometime. I mean, seriously! And personally it would be so better to come up with something new anyways. If Angel doesn’t pull out soon it’s going to be about as cool as Paulie Shore.. a trend that goes on way too long. I’d rather want my show to have an ending I can appreciate and not some network saying to pull it off and replace it with Charmed spinoffs halfway through the next season. Not that I don’t really love Charmed but lately I haven’t felt up to watching cause of all the other good things of REAL LIFE. And if Charmed gets cancelled am I going to be all whining like a baby? Umm NO!! I will find another show to watch like normal people do.
So you people who sit around all day writing your networks and saying ‘Oh pweese oh pweese dont wet my widdle show die! waaah!’ are going to be in for a total surprise when your show isn’t even on next year. Meanwhile I am completely and totally Ok with knowing it won’t be. Why? I have let it go as we all should. If you can’t do it for the sake of the quality of the show at least do it for your own personal health. Stop with the complaining and get on with your lives.
You can blame reality TV or say networks don’t listen to viewers and blah blah blah! Yea right!! The real problem are these fans, not the networks. There are gazillions of people who watch other shows and love them so why do I keep reading things from uninformed fans that say otherwise? They keep saying all the good shows are leaving but yet there are still lots of good shows that haven’t left anywhere. I think its mostly just propaganda and them trying to make a point even though they have no clue what they are even talking about. Its so totally wasted to even bother. They are just bitter they have to find something else to watch. Its as if these people have never even heard of a Neilson rating. Just cause a small group of fans want something doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. It would be economically stupid to listen to a small crowd. Didn’t you people take economics like ever? So protest away at the evil TV networks cause they’re so obviously out to get all you paranoid fans in the world and your little dogs too. You people need serious help.