The Hellmouth Ascension
- Wonderfalls Falls: Big Surprise for a 'Big Fish' Wannabe
by Tiffany Murdock -4.07.03
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So a preview comes on TV and says basically nothing and then expects me to watch it cause it looks like Tim Burton directed. People totally thought they were watching a preview to ‘Big Fish’ when actually it was just a dumb show about nothing.
So the show is called Wonderfalls and its about a ‘Joan of Arcadia’ wannabe who works in a tourist store. She’s rude to her customers and doesnt have like any work ethics and then deformed toys talk to her and so she runs after a quarter to do good deeds. Excitement to be had! I can totally see how people found a story like this entertaining. NOT!!
How could it fail? Insert my laugh here.
The joke was that a show like this could air. I am not going to give a good review to garbage just cause Tim Minear crapped it out. Garbage by any other writer would still be just as horrible. Here’s a great example!! None of the characters are believable! Dad and mom arent developed, sister is a fake lesbian, and bartenders are never that cute unless they are gay! I know they went for the rebel thing but if her parents were really that rich she wouldnt be living in a trailer. Writers were helping snobby kids who reject inheritence to relate with a person on TV. What a minority to tap into! And who watched the show? NOBODY!! Lesson learned for dumb writers.
If they wrote a character we could relate to maybe Wonderfalls would get an audience. Going with schitzo Joan really cost the whole show a major infection! Why do these writers think we want so much imagery? Its stupid and without point! I thought the idea was to give us a story that makes sense! Wonderfalls was horrible! Major yuck factor awards all around!
In the first scene they have Joan telling a kid about an Indian girl who tries to kill herself to make a Greek god happy and so she starts overdubbing what the Indian says and it gets really stupid. I dont think you could find that funny unless you still laugh at the three stooges! First thing is to hire funny writers if you want a funny show. I was always waiting for funny stuff to happen but it never did. Then they need a story outside of copying the CBS religious blockbuster. Get an original idea you copycats!
And whats with making fun of the schizophrenia? I dont get how that is so funny. I know a guy with that and its not really a laugh riot. The writers might have another show on hold about a comedic life in alzheimers! So thats a major yay for all you sickos in the world who thought Wonderfalls was funny. I want to see these fans take ethics quizzes cause I know you’d all fail like big time.
So instead of talking to God, our Joan finds she has a delusional disorder. But the voices tell her to do good things that help people! What kind of message actually gets sent here? That type of stuff is deadly and should be banned from TV not praised! I cant say how happy I am Wonderfalls is gone cause it really really had major issues to work through. I hope the writers get some serious counseling.
And Wonderfalls was so obviously written by atheists cause of the way they kept making fun of religion too! Like Catholics dont already have enough bad reps to deal with from their whole child rape thing they have another TV show making fun of them for being total loons! The priest became a goodguy when he quit being a priest and the nun became a sicko when she rejoined the church! It isnt anything but anti-Catholic hatred. And then they make fun of exorcism just cause it used to be used to cure flus. I think thats just plain mean. Why even do that unless you have a major sick issue to deal with on your own? I dont want that in my living room. Thanks but go find a new station on a far away foreign network please!
The show also made fun of people with alergies by showing a guy they called ‘Poor Bitch’ get a major infection and then they stab him in the throat with a pen! Ewww! So what the hell is up here? Thats funny? NO!! And then they made fun of a girl who had a stuttering problem and make it look like its just so easy to cure stuttering by imitating other people! Yea OK so that basically says to young children if you have a stuttering problem you should just copy other peoples personalities cause your own just so obviously sucks!
I really hope TV starts to gain better shows. Here is the perfect example what NOT to put on television. It was sick and degrading! I dont see how anyone could find this show funny! I just stopped watching after the third episode cause of how so obviously sick these writers are. I am so happy that I wont be alone in banning it from my living room as its being removed from everyone through cancellation! Tell these writers to go find new jobs seriously!
And thats it! I’m not even going to waste my breath here!