7.30.04: Charisma's future, My kind of Tree, the appropriate way to sell your soul.

From Dannyboy:
What do you see for Charisma Carpenter's future?

Poobah says:
In chronological order --- TV Movie, Commercial for some breast enhancement pill, Infomercial, Informercial, bra model for Sears, bankruptcy, taco bell employee.

It's really looking good for her.

From Jackie:
There's this guy, let's call him Bob. He's a 50%-loner. He's also a crazy genious who's a punkish kind of person. I also happen to like him. Should I wait for him to ask me out, or should I go ask him straight out?

Poobah says:
I'd wait for someone you actually have a chance with -- like someone on the chess team. There's your cup of tea. Oh come on, you know I'm right.

From Dannyboy:
Sunnydale: 1 year later, what do you see?

Poobah Says:
Not much, considering it's blown to shit and all.

From I don't know who sent this:
If you could be a tree, what kind would you be and why?

Poobah says:
I don't know the names of trees. I just climb them, sit on them, and peep into windows on them. They can be very comfortable sometimes.

From Princess Kimberley:
Can John Edwards really channel the thoughts and feelings of an unborn fetus?

Poobah says:
No, but everyone knows democrats have X-ray vision. Why, one time I saw Bill Clinton walking out of a Women's Rights Meeting with a big smile on his face. Why do you think that is?

From Dannyboy:
Why are you in the middle of nowhere?

Poobah says:
West of nowhere is full of mexicans, and I would rather not wake up one morning and notice that the rims of my tires are gone, if you know what I mean.

From BillS:
I was just reading the Top 10 reasons to work for Wolfram & Hart and I was wondering if they're still hiring, and if you have any connections.

Poobah says:
I wouldn't know. I didn't sign away my soul to Wolfram & Hart. I lost mine the good ol' fashioned way....paying for a J.Lo record.

From Dannyboy:
Why does Eliza Dushku have bad hair?

Poobah says:
Your eye direction sucks.

From Brit:
Are you really that sexy in person? Then again I could just ask Tiffany. I heard about your,um...indescretion. (It's ok, she's not that bad in bed)

Poobah says:
She's pretty bad in bed. I don't know where you get your information. Uh, I mean...

From Piginbondage:
Why isnt there a Mr. pointy for Angel?

Poobah says:
Because that would actually require work, and that's something we refuse to be involved in around here.

Send me some questions for next week! Email me here. Put "ask the poobah" in your subject line, and remember to give a name! :)

Every Friday check out a NEW "Ask The Poobah"!

Any reproduction of this material is strictly prohibited by Black Swan, Inc and Um Err Productions.


Chelsea: Hmm, I could do a good rim job. Not that kind of rim job of course, just the fun one...that came out wrong.
(30.07.2004, 17:03)

Aeryn: I knew it!!!!! I knew Tiffany wasn't lying when she said she had sex with you! By the way, could you please tell Brit to stop coming on to me. And LOL at the tire rims!!!!!!!
(30.07.2004, 15:21)

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