-> Ask The Poobah

7.02.04: Poobah went on vacation and all he got was this stupid column.

From Dannyboy:
I have trouble getting a job, how did you ever convince people to hire you?

Poobah says:
Having pictures of an executive's daughter in a provactive position with a goat helps.

From BillS:
My three year old wants to know if the Poobah and the Pooh Bear are related.

Poobah says:
Tell your 3 year old that they aren't the same. Winnie The Pooh is the son of a bitch who keeps stealing my honey jars.

From mrsmarsters:
Oh wise and wonderful Poobah, why is it that putting your elbows on the table is not mannerly?

Poobah says:
It was made up by uptight women a long time ago. Back when women could only make up dinner and kitchen rules - the rest of the time they were put in their place. You know, back in the good days.

From milesfrom730:
What is the root of all evil?

Poobah Says:
Any Olsen Twins movies.

From Nora:
I think I'm catching a cold, most of my co-workers have one already. Is that where I am getting it from?

Poobah says:
There's a high risk of it. It isn't easy stripping in an air-conditioned club.

From Alicia:
How much time have you spent in prison?

Poobah says:
I refuse to answer that question. If you really want to know, contact my parole officer 4 states over...just don't tell him where I am, ok?

From Alex:
I have a friend and we are fans of Angel. We made a promise never to watch the WB again but she's going to watch that new show the Mountain, which is the show that's taking Angel's place. What do I do poobah to stop her from supporting the evil station WB?

Poobah says:
What kind of TV does she have? 'Cause if it's a 42' HDTV widescreen, I'll take it....then your problems will be over. Don't forget the remote either.

From Dannyboy:
Why are there tightasses in the world?

Poobah says:
Because not everyone is gay.

From Stephen Barendt:
Who's hotter, Charlize Theron or Lyle Lovett?

Poobah says:
That's a toss up. Are we talking Charlize in "Monster"? If so, she looks quite similiar to Lyle in that flick. Although Lyle is a sexy, sexy man.

From Alicia:
What happend to the rants? I enjoyed them.

Poobah says:
Eric has a problem with work, in that he doesn't do it. It's a pet peeve.

From milesfrom730:
Did we get what we deserved out of the final episode of Angel?

Poobah says:
I think so. But then again, I loved Gigli, so what do I know?

Send me some questions for next week! Email me here. Put "ask the poobah" in your subject line, and remember to give a name! :)

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