4.18.04: Why El Presidente may be Kevin Smith, American Scandal, and people I wouldn't
mind eating to live.
Poobah Says:
If Kevin Smith is gayer than gay, then sure...Eric is Kevin Smith.
From MmmAwHellNo:
I'm feeling a little guilty. Can you tell me if it is wrong that I'm
looking at Hellmouth Central during my Computer Science lab? Am I a
loser for taking computer science? I do find dorks and awkward people
endearing. Hmmm...
Poobah says:
No, you're a loser for reading this. What's wrong with you?! Get a life!
From Nora:
Why did Ruben beat Clay on American Idol, Clay was clearly the
winner.....I think it was all rigged. (note: Nora does NOT watch
this crap....EVER!)
Poobah says:
The only losers of this contest are us...the viewing public. Now we have two more
"artists" making sappy love ballads that could seriously generate seizures and kill
us all. Gotta love reality TV.
From Bitsy:
What's better?: Chappelle's Show or South Park
Poobah Says:
That's like asking, "Which is better - sex with Jessica Alba or sex with Jessica Alba?" Matter
of fact, forget Chapelle's Show or South Park, I'll take the sex with Jessica Alba.
From SpikesAngel:
Do you think the TV networks have all joined together to tourcher
us by cancelling all good tv and leaving us with reality shows? Who
do you think is in charge there?
Poobah says:
There's only one person crazy enough to torture us like this, and yes ladies and gents,
it's Pope John Paul II! When will his evil reign of terror end?!! And where did he come
up with the idea for "My Big Fat Obnoxius Fiancee"? Evil.
From Dannyboy:
Are you god?
Poobah says:
No way. God's punchlines are way better than mine. You should hear his act on the
7th cloud to the left. St. Peter nearly busted a gut, then realized he was dead and
calmed down.
From Xbox:
Who would win in a street fight between Roland Orzabal
and Curt Smith?
Poobah says:
This is a question I can do without...come on...I'm talking to you...come on.
From Disturbed Soul:
Do you think the Cubs have a chance this year?
Poobah says:
A chance at what? Losing? Sure. Sometimes these questions are too easy.
From Dannyboy:
What happened to Willow's Parents during the whole Dark Willow
thing? They haven't been seen since her mom tried to burn her back
in S3....
Poobah says:
A better question is, what happened to all their parents after Sunnydale blew up? Did
they warn their parents and get them out of town before it happened? Did they just leave them
there? Wait...wait...on second thought, I don't care.
From Bitsy:
Let's say you were trapped on a desert island. Who would you be marooned
with and what blunt object would you use to kill that person once hunger
warped your mind?
Poobah says:
It would have to be someone I wouldn't mind killing, so...Ashton Kutcher.
From Nora:
Now that we have gone to court and it's been decided that you
HAVE to not only pay child support but ALSO take the boy on
weekends, how was your weekend with Mac Jr?
Poobah says:
I left him at Disneyworld. He kept bothering me for money and calling me 'dad', so I ditched
that square. Don't worry, he'll have fun on the tea cups.
Send me some questions for next week! Email me here. Put "ask the poobah" in your subject line, and remember to give a name! :)
Every Friday check out a NEW "Ask The Poobah"!
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