-> Ask The Poobah

3.20.04: Newfound Religion, idiots running the taco stand, and fluffy bunnies.

From SpikesAngel:
Do you think SMG should come back for the season finale considering that it could be the end of the series?

Poobah Says:
No, I don't think she should come back, because then they'd have to rent a new trailer that's larger than everyone elses, pay her a salary that could be used for CGI...and of course the surgery to get Chico Jr.'s head out of her ass.

From Fiatlux:
I was thinking about starting a new religion dedicated to you as our site GOD. What should the title be?

Poobah says:
I think it's relatively easy...Poobism. It's members would be "Poobists"....and a little crazy, considering who they worship and all.

From milesfrom730:
So who would win, the caveman or the astronauts?

Poobah says:
I think a combination would win. Just picture Buzz Aldrin in a loincloth. Sexy AND bad ass.

From Princess Kimberley:
Last night, I had the scariest dream. The Grim Reaper was chasing after my little Honda, which was packed, like a clown car, full of secret service agents and one President George W. Bush. I'm not sure who was driving, since I was in the back seat, sitting next to W, too scared to move. What the HELL does my dream signify? Are the senior partners angry about that nasty comment I made regarding SMG in last week's poll? Should I make like Carmen Maranda and die? What does it all mean, great and wise Poobah?

Poobah Says:
It means you should never eat before bedtime.

While watching the news all this week, I have been very freaked out that Spain elected Mr. Bean as their new leader. He's kinda funny & all, but was this a wise move on their part?

Poobah says:
Agreed...not smart. Why, if he were in Iraq, Mr. Bean would start house fires, and fall into big buckets of paint, and then our troops would just have more to do. A leader? No. A terrorist? Could be. I'd look into it, Mr. Bush.

From SpikesHappyMeal:
If I toss a quarter in a fountain, will my stuffed rabbit start talking to me? And If it does, should I go all Anya on it?

Poobah says:
Rabbits are harmless and are interesting conversationalists....from what I hear. Yeah.

From Cordy's Favorite Mistake:
What was the name of the female puppet from Smile Time?

Poobah says:
Hillary C - the bitch from New York. Puppeteered by one GIANT hand up a GIANT ass. At least that's the info I got.

My last girlfriend actually broke up with me because I have in-depth conversations with my life-size cardboard cutout of Morrissey. Why was she so unreasonable, even strange?

Poobah says:
She was probably pissed off because it wasn't The Smiths as a whole. Your favoritism isn't attractive.

From Cordy's Favorite Mistake:
Do you think Rufus the dog will get an Emmy nod?

Poobah says:
Can't be any worse than Rosie O' Donnell getting one.

Send me some questions for next week! Email me here. Put "ask the poobah" in your subject line, and remember to give a name! :)

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