12.12.03: Poofhead, FHM + M.E Girls = Hot, and my affinity for Disco Stu.
Poobah Says:
How hard is it to stick your hair straight up in the air anyway? It seems to me
like it would be the easiest way of dealing with no reflection.
From Vampire Lady:
What is a life, and why don't I have one?
Poobah Says:
That's not something you ask a webmaster, considering I don't have one either.
From ribbie149:
In a mortal combat between Mr. Trick and The Cheese Man, who would prevail and why?
(assuming Mr. Trick isn't lactose intolerant)
Poobah says:
I haven't seen the cheese man's moves, but I hear they're very good. He could toss some
velveta on one of Mr. Trick's snazzy suits and watch the dry cleaning bills pile up. My prediction:
The Cheese Man by a slice.
From blair:
What do you think about all the buffyverse girls that pose for FHM?(Alyson Hannigan, Amy Acker,
Julie Benz Mercedes McNab)
Poobah says:
I'm sorry, I have to clean up the drool on my keyboard now. Hmmm...that *may* not be drool.
From Alex Hemsky:
What is wrong with Cordy and just curious but...... how tall are you?
Poobah says:
Cordy is sleeping, dreaming of a world with nothing but people in Versaci clothes. It's a happy
coma, it's a calming coma...and hopefully its an amnesiac coma where she can't remember doing
the hoochy koochy with Connor. Let's pray for her sake it is. As for your second question,
I'm 6'5"...8'3" with my shoes on. I haven't left the platform days of the 70's yet.
Yeah, you know that red car-driving Geico lizard? Well, I am very disturbed. 1) Wouldn't a
lizard driving along the street, in a little red car, distract potential drivers? 2) Can lizards,
not matter HOW connected, get a license & insurance?
Bottom Line: Shouldn't this Geico lizard, being the spokesman for his insurance company, be a
little more responsible?
Poobah says:
If West Virginians are allowed to drive, a geico lizard is more than capable.
From Fat Tony:
"Where do babies come from?"
Poobah says:
A woman's vagina.
What? Was I supposed to be clever? Have you READ this column?
Send me some questions for next week! Email me here. Put "ask the poobah" in your subject line, and remember to give a name! :)
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