Divine Musings
- Rundown
by Aeryn -1.18.05
[ aaeryn@blkswan.com ]
So, here I am on my second attempt to write a musing. One of my attempts was about the under appreciated character of Xander Harris, however, I may finish that soon. As I sit here, sipping my beverage, I wonder just what the hell I will write about. Then it hits me… I will write a cliché end of the year retrospective of 2004 in the WhedonVerse. Hang on to your seats everyone, and by the way, this is in no order but the order they came to mind.
1. SMG opens up a bit too much. She really needs to stop taking career advice from her hubby and start listening to someone that makes sense. Sarah! Bubbie! There are certain things you don’t say in public, it will piss people off, and trust me, your fans aren’t mindless drones that will follow you anywhere, but I could probably think of a few for you. My dad used to tell me, “Never piss off the momma crocodile.” Somehow, this makes odd sense with her.
2. David, David, David. You are not SMG and you should not open your mouth in interviews as well. See the aforementioned proverb and please stop wearing shirts that leave a few top buttons unbuttoned. Well, I guess we will see how long he holds true to his ‘No Angel telemovie, only feature films’. Sarah, I can actually understand why she wouldn’t do a movie, but David? That is like me saying no to a 5K month job. David, you aren’t all that like Sarah. Get over yourself. Speaking of which brings me to #3.
3. SMG hits hard in ‘The Grudge’. Finally a movie that does well and it isn’t geared to kids under 10. She also moves away from doing movies with Freddie and I think I can say thank god on behalf of us all.
4. James Marsters shaves his head! That was a ‘whoa’ boy moment. I really didn’t see that coming, but what pissed me off was the whole auction and subsequent ebay auctions of his hair. Doesn’t make sense to spend thousands of dollars on stuff like that. Makes me want to go out and beat the winner senseless or until I teach them how to spend their money better.
5. We say good-bye to Angel the Series. The beginning of the year, the fans were out fighting to save their show, only to lose in the end. Our only comfort, that stupid asshole got fired, excuse me, relocated. I am truly disappointed that we could not have another year of the gang, because Season Five was the strongest season of any show under Mutant Enemy. They had hit their stride and were bounding forward. Everything just clicked together as it should have.
6. Deaths. We say goodbye to Cordelia, Winifred, Wesley, and possibly the whole Team Angel. Joss kept on a kicking me. The wonderful Cordelia conclusion to Fred dying so painfully, and Wesley dying in Fred’s arms, gave me such tragedy to over and over reminders through Illyria.
7. Illyria. Look out world, Amy Acker has a range unlike anyone could ever imagine. Being a fan of hers from day one, I still can remember people oohhing and ahhhing over her portrayal as Illyria. She was good, damn good. It was one of the biggest and complex twists that I will always remember from a show. This girl so needed an Emmy.
8. Wesley. Another man that needed an Emmy. His character was fluid. He was constantly changing and reacting to everything the character went through. Alexis was amazing, and I will say this: He does a great interview. Season Five is a prime example of why he is my favorite character of the two series.
9. Bitter slander about James Marsters. All I have to say about this point in time… The people, who did the slandering, need to get a life and get one fast. Either that or get some professional help.
10. Nicholas Brendon checks into rehab. I thought this was a brave step forward and wish him all the luck and love in the world. It took guts to do this considering his celeb status, but handle it with dignity and strength. He is a good example to others.
11. Willow hits the stage with Pike! Yes, Luke Perry and Aly Hannigan, now that is a combo I would have liked to see. Yes, I know I would have been on the look-out for Alexis, but hey, that doesn’t matter. All I have to say is “Whoohooo! Pike!!”
12. Dawnie turns 18, well not Dawn, but Michelle did. I haven’t seen EuroTrip, but I get the feeling it is like the episode ‘Him’ in the Bronze, just more revealing. Sorry, I just see her as Harriet the Spy all the time. Good luck in her ‘Ice Princess’ Movie.
13. Robia versus JCB. That was a confusing situation, but since JCB was not high on my list, I thought it would be fun to see the joyful Robia to take out JCB, who is a complete opposite of Robia. Throw in Vulk-con and you got a match worthy of WWF.
14. Dragon*Con and the room mix-up. Praise that little check-in clerk and Marriott Marquis on high! Gave away my room only to give me one better. Hello mini-suite!! It was huge. 4 rooms and a working doorbell, plus celebs all around us. Even though we may never have that luck again, I think it is safe to say that HMC love Marquis and the HQ will be staying there until we grow fickle.
15. Dragon*Con: Holy Crap! It was all about Firefly and Farscape this year. I was happier than a pig in mud. I really can’t believe I just typed that. Nathan put his hand on my hip for the picture. See, I have to throw that in always, I know he probably did it to everyone, but my god! It was Nathan! I wonder how I would react to meeting Alexis if Nathan threw me like this. Adam was funny and Jewel was lovely. I had never been as impressed as I was with them. Thanks to them for making D*C great! Oh, and thanks to Julie Benz as well. She was sweet and gracious, and dang it, looks beautiful even off-screen and minimal if any, make-up.
16. Serenity wraps filming! Yes, even though it won’t come out in April, it will be coming out! According to the buzz it is a great movie and a lot will happen and be revealed during it. I am avoiding spoilers like the plague, so don’t tell me a thing! All I know is that I can’t wait to sit through this film 2 or 3 times in one day.
17. Amy Acker and Stephanie Romanov are expecting. Congrats to them and can’t wait to see the baby pictures. They are sure to be gorgeous. Just a comment on dedication to supporting Angel the Series and its fans. Amy Acker appeared at the Con in England. Ok, that is a long flight from LA to London even when you aren’t expecting. She had no complaints or was reported to even be grumpy to fans. That is dedication to the fans that I wish some of the other stars have, so a note to the other stars, you have no excuse of your size (height) or fear of your safety at a convention, if someone equally dainty and pregnant is out there supporting the show. Not to mention celebs that would go to an Arab state to promote a movie, not that Arab states are bad, but aren’t we at war? Isn’t there like travel advisories for Americans might be in some kind of danger of oh say, kidnapping and beheading, while traveling overseas? And yet a con is scary? Right… Some excuses only go so far and get old really fast.
18. And then there was one… Mutant Enemy let go all of its workers and Joss is the only one left. It has no deals with television networks. It is eerie silence. Thank God for ‘Lost’ or so I hear…
19. Charisma Carpenter returns to Angel for one final hurrah, and what a great hurrah it was. She also went Charmed. Not seen that, stopped watching after Prue died because it got really silly. James Marsters dropped by The Mountain, didn’t help it much either.
20. Eliza lost her Calling… Tru Calling, that is. Such a shame really, especially if you factor in that she turned down a Buffy spin-off for it. Another example of how quickly shows are cancelled, which brings me to the cancellation of Wonderfalls. I actually enjoyed the smooshed-face talking lion filled episodes that allowed me to enjoy life from a snarky point-of-view, well other than my own.
21. Alan, Alan, everywhere! Alan Tudyk certainly has been popping up a lot lately. From I, Robot to a cute pirate in Dodgeball, he is making the movie rounds, and I have to say, good job man! He is also going to be in a mini-series called “Into the West”. Speaking of lots of movies, Adam Baldwin has been in a lot as well. Lot of good ones, Independence Day, The Patriot, etc, but did you know that he was also in DC Cab with Mister T? Adam maybe coming back to television, I heard a rumor about a FBI type character here soon.
22. Lovely Gina Torres coming to ALIAS for a couple of episodes. Wait, that didn’t happen in 2004, it will happen in a couple of months. Oh and for those who are Santa Clause fans, look for Bernard, the arch-elf, in Serenity as Mister Universe.
I am sure I didn’t mention all the things that have happened this past year; I mean really, I don’t have that much free time on my hands. This is just the past events that came to mind in a span of a few non-free hours. I guess I should not classify this time as non-free as I was supposed to be doing something else, but hey! There is always next year! It can be one of my revolutions, I mean, resolutions of course.
Quick skim of Aeryn’s Resolutions:
Find more icons and avas.
Make more videos.
Errupt more chaos.
Become less bitchy and snarky to others.
Watch more television.
Gain 10 lbs.
Quit fantasizing about Alexis Denisof so much.
I think that is quite enough of a skim of my list. So here is to 2004! You sucked mundo much!!!!!! Hello 2005! May you be a whole helluva lot better than 2004! Till next time!
Angelus5150: 9. Bitter slander about James Marsters....what was said by whom? (27.06.2005, 15:49) Sara: Adam Baldwin was in the X-Files too. :D Not that it relates, but still. (05.02.2005, 11:23) stupilia: WELL POOBAH!!! (26.01.2005, 13:23) Kirsten: "Quit fantasizing about Alexis Denisof so much." Now why would you want to do *that*?? ;-) (25.01.2005, 16:08) Michael: What did SMG say? (24.01.2005, 23:35) Aeryn: Thanks for 'ments guys. Yea, forgot about the LAX thing, I was mainly focused on the WB and Fox aspects. LOL. (20.01.2005, 22:14) CordeliaChse: Also, Charisma Carpenter did an episode stint on 'LAX' as Heather Locklear's sister. I didn't see it, however. I was watching something that was worthy. (20.01.2005, 14:34) Tony the Avenger: Re: Adam Baldwin, you forgot the most important one! He was Animal Motha on Full Metal Jacket! Dude got to work with Kubrick AND Joss. Now that is one lucky man. (20.01.2005, 05:18) Your Mythie: Nice list. The Grudge though was horrible. Eurotrip started out cute and disintegrated into bad taste. At least JM's locks went for charity. Should mention the outrageous Con prices....those people are nuts! Huggles (20.01.2005, 00:01) Fogey: ” Amy Acker and Stephanie Romanov are expecting. Congrats to them and can’t wait to see the baby pictures. They are sure to be gorgeous.” Gee and here I didn’t even know they were a couple. LOL Good job Aeryn. It is nice to se a years retrospective from the viewpoint of someone who I share a lot of fandom (Is that the word?) with. (19.01.2005, 22:23)