o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s
Divine Musings
- Stupidity
This leads me to my point today. Stupidity. Just plain stupid moves that you know shouldn’t occur. Prime example: Connor and Cordelia sex. The image will be forever burned in horror in my mind. It was the point where you wanted to slap the writers and yell “What the HELL are you thinking?” It just hit me, whole of season four was like that for me with Angel. Well, with a few exceptions. Lorne in Vegas and Wes/Fred kiss, that they can leave in along with the break-up of Gunn and Fred. I do not want to get side tracked onto Season 4 disappointment so I will move on. I am a Spuffy fan, but when Spike ties her up in his crypt in ‘The Crush’ I wanted to scream. It was cute in a sad and misunderstood way, but it was such a mistake on his part. You tie up someone because you love him or her? Yes, it made sense to Spike; he is a vampire. However, it did not boost his standing with Buffy. It hurt it more than anything. It did lead to the making of the Buffybot that was highly amusing and came in handy while dealing with Glory and covering for Buffy while she was dead. So something good did eventually come from it. Wesley’s co-worker that came to him asking for a fax in AHITW; only a friggin idiot would ask if everyone had to work on his boss’ girlfriend’s case. That was an incredibly stupid move. He deserved to be shot in the knee. I’m sorry, but you have to admit it was incredibly stupid and uncaring move. Also, now is the time I want to focus on another brilliant and intelligent character (please note the sarcasm) that is Knox. He is possibly one of the stupidest characters around. Everyone knows that Wes has a thing for Fred even Knox knows that. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Wesley acts on instinct when it comes to Fred. Hell, he shot the robot that he thought was his father because he pointed a gun at him. I fore one would have seen that as don’t f*ck with Fred and left her alone, but our dumbass obviously didn’t get the same message as I did. Should he have died? Yes, simply because he was a dumbass. It could have been avoided if he had just thought. By the way, I cannot stand stupid moves people. Another dumbass is Warren. From the bots to killing Tara and shooting Buffy, he takes the most logical weapon of killing a slayer that we haven’t seen since Darla, to a method that got him skinned alive because he was a sissy girl that didn’t take time to aim correctly. I haven’t seen such a wayward bullet since the grassy knoll episode in Texas. Warren got what was coming to him. Yes, these deaths broke the law. However, is it acceptable to hold people who are involved in magicks and the supernatural world accountable for laws that were meant for a world without that? Now, if Warren or Knox was innocent and did not know about that world, then yes, I would say that it was wrong. Now I will be honest, I can’t remember if the man Faith killed was involved and aware of the Mayor’s plan. If he was, then she should not have went to jail. The point she was at, she did need to go. She was out of control and more than tainted with evil that is the only thing I saw needing incarceration for, so that she could learn what she needed to that would let her grow and evolve into the Faith we saw in Season 7. Ok, so something just distracted me that was bright and shiny, which totally threw off my whole track my mind was on. What else is new? Ah, anyways…. Stupid move that turned out good was: Dating an ex-vengeance demon. Stupid move for the simple reason being there is a history of being vindictive in the past, what if the relationship hit rough times, what would happen? You are dating someone with over a thousand years of inflicting revenge on men and it doesn’t frighten you just a little bit? It would have me, but hey, I am me. Another profound stupid move was Gunn selling his soul for a truck. I get the logic and I understand, but it was not the brightest move for his part. If I was willing to give up my soul, which I am not, it certainly would be for more than a truck. I certainly wouldn’t have forgotten what date my marker would be due near. Just hit me that in essence, Charles closely made another decision like this. He wanted the brain boost. His decision hurt someone he loved again. Like last time, it was Fred. This time, it costed him her life. Now, this is just me, but I am really missing Numero Five at the moment. He was really great. Lorne’s stupid move came back to bite them all in the ass. Everyone can remember and appreciate the giant angry green ape. He succumbed to the desires and pressures of Wolfram and Hart by turning them to have his sleep removed. Now, it is just me, but… I like my sleep. I understand Lorne had a lot to do, but did anyone else notice that his gift wasn’t working as well afterwards. I would not let the same company that almost gave me a partial lobotomy the year before access to my brain once again, which he did willingly. What if they removed something more than his sleep? I don’t want anyone poking around up there, especially an evil law firm that put an evil hand on Lindsey and took a chunk out of my brain. I don’t trust anyone that much, especially lawyers. Another moment is Fred going up to the van when the door is slightly a jarred and being ambushed by the people after Nina. Such a smart move that Fred even admitted it was a bad call. Luckily they retrieved Nina back before she was eaten. Another not smart move was not locking the sarcophagus. Yes, she was curious, I know that, but they deal with mystickal stuff all the time. She would have known better. This is why I think she was drawn to it via some hypnosis draw that reeled her in. Poor Fred. According to Elvis: “Wise men say, Only fools rush in……” In ways, all the world is fools, because all of us make stupid moves. No matter who you are or what you do, you will make some mistake or a stupid move. We learn and grow from them, unless you are Warren or Knox. If you are them, your stupid move results in your death and like Spike says “he had it coming.” Now, set forth in the world with a bit more knowledge. Don’t kill anyone cause you are mad or happy or stressed, just take a deep breathe and remember that we all make mistakes. It serves a lesson, it helps us to learn.
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