o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

The Dimension

- The Things of Truth
by Matt -7.10.04
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  Since this is my first issue of my new column, I thought I'd tell you about myself. Maybe you know some of these things about me, maybe you don't. What you don't know may hurt you, so this is probably a good idea.

Am I already not making sense? Terrific. This should be a real winner.

Things of Truth (about me) -

- I'm 23.
- I live in one of the most hillbilly places in the free world.
- My favorite color is blue (tomorrow it could be red or purple...I never stick with the same thing).
- I love romance.
- I love this line - "I gotta say something 'cause I don't think I've made it clear. I'm in love with you. Powerfully, painfully in love. The things you do...the way you think... the way you move... I get excited every time I'm about to see you. You make me feel like I've never felt before in my life -- like a man. I just thought you might wanna know." I wish I would've thought it up.
- I do not love melodrama.
- I dislike girls who have to be in wars more often than not. It's a waste of time. Find someone else to deal with your daddy issues.
- I'm not gay (contrary to many person's beliefs).
- I bite my fingernails (a habit I'm trying to break).
- I smoke. Suck on that, Nader.
- I crack sarcasm a LOT.
- I don't like Reality TV. None of it.
- I retch at Divas (Celine, Mariah, Whitney, etc.)
- I don't like intolerance. It irritates me more than anything.
- I suck at math.

Things of Truth (world style)-

- The Beatles and Radiohead are the two greatest bands ever, and I'm not being a pseudo-intellectual when I say that. I say it because it's fact.
- The grey line is more black and white then you know. That's not intolerance talking. That's keeping it real.
- If anyone buys the Paris Hilton album they should be shot 15 times with a semi-automatic...square in the ass.
- Dick Cheney is a demon.
- Michael Moore is a demon.

Things of Truth (Whedonverse style) -

- "The Lie" in "Becoming II" (2.22) was the way to go.
- Riley wasn't all that annoying until he started grabbing Buffy and turning her around in a macho "see I can turn you around" way whenever he spoke to her.
- Angel's exit in Season 3 was really, really dumb.
- Spike getting a soul from an African Demon in a cave was really, really dumb. What would've been better is if he would've gone to Willow and had her put one in him. Then he could've been there in the finale and she could've threatened to take it out when she went all scary-veiny. Think about it.
- Xander is a hero.
- Oz should've come back at some point in Season 7. Maybe towards the end. I mean, where the hell has he been for the last 4 years?
- Cordelia and Angel together is gag-worthy.
- Cordelia and Connor together is gag-worthy to the point of throwing up, picking the vomit up, swallowing it, and throwing it up again.

There's way more where that came from. Join me next time.


David: someone here needs a dick in his mouth (o_0) - Cangel was great!!!
(16.05.2005, 18:25)

EriatarkaESP: I love this site.
(26.04.2005, 23:03)

Spikes_love_slave: omg thank god someone agrees with me that cordy shouldnt have been with connor...omg i think it shouldve been angel-cordy, buffy-spike...then everyone ends up happy....but cordy and connor....come-on, i mean thats practically child molestation....look how fuckin young he is..jesus christ!!!
(16.04.2005, 22:47)

Mad Mardigan: OMG...whats wrong with me..i agree with most of what you said - Cordy/Angel..thats just SICK
(27.03.2005, 23:45)

(12.03.2005, 02:14)

Brodie_182: Youre a funny bunny
(04.03.2005, 06:19)

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