r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t
05.21.03 - In the end, she isn't alone. -- Chosen : The Rant Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10.
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to love you make." I have no idea why I used that line for this, except that it had the word "end" in it and it's a cool line. Melodramatic effect and all. I promised myself I wouldn't get sappy and I won't. I SAID I WON'T... Argh. If you're looking for a shippy-esque article, you've come to the wrong Rant. Take two steps backwards and go find a site that actually gives a damn who Buffy ends up with, because it isn't me. At the start of this season I said TWO THINGS... "This will be the last season." and... "ALL I want is Buffy, Xander, Willow and Giles in the last scene together." So much for Joss not giving the fans what they want. I would be happy if that was all he gave me. But instead he gave me and every other fan a classic episode. One for the record books. One we won't soon forget. Anya died defending the human race. It was a brutal, horrible death. I didn't expect anything less from Whedon. Emma Caulfield played Anya with grace. I can't see anyone else playing that part, that's how great she was. Xander's reaction to her death is true. It's how she would've reacted if he had died. The spell. It was the only part I wasn't too keen on. The thought that EVERY girl would be given this gift is a scary notion. The girls who need to have power in their lives, that's great. But what about the girls who will take advantage of it like Faith did at one point? Was that thought out enough? The hallway scene. "The earth is DEFINITELY doomed." Thank you Sarah. Thank you Nicky. Thank you Aly. Thank you Tony. Thank you Joss. Thank you. Spike is redeemed in my eyes after what he did. To me, he hadn't been until that moment. Just as Angel had sacrificed to make me believe he was a good person, so too towards that path Spike goes. My problems with Spike are over. If he's back on Angel, I will be happy. You see, the "depth" of Spike (as so written a million ways to Sunday by the fans) meant nothing to me. What means something to me is ACTION. What you DO with yourself is what matters. Spike, even though he fought alongside Buffy for almost 3 years, never showed me enough to convince me he was doing anything special except to get Buffy...especially for someone who's been lucky to be "alive" for over a century. This time he did. He finally did. I won't mention the last scene between Spike and Buffy, because like I said at the top --- I don't care. Cookie dough is good. It tastes good even before you put it in the oven, but we won't go there. The fight scene was terrific. I'm happy with everything. I can live with the closure and the not-so-closure. I can live with the notion that someday we may see these characters again. I can take comfort in the fact that Joss didn't let us down...it's a rare occasion that he ever lets me down. Buffy is a story of a girl that felt she was alone. She's not alone anymore. She's finally not alone. So what do we do now, Buffy? So what do we do now, Joss? Point me. Final Verdict: Buffy The Vampire Slayer was the best show on television. That's all I have to say. Rating: 4 STAKES (PERFECTION) Rant Over. - Mac |