-> Oakland SlayerCon 2004 Q&A Notes
Nicholas Brendon & Anthony Stewart Head By Kirsten
- According to Tony US TV shows have better food than the craft services in the UK. Also, because the UK has 6-8 episodes per season for a show, Tony can do more work in the UK than in the US. - Tony said that the Buffy cartoon is in “presentation” stage. - When asked what their favorite episodes are, Nick said they were “Hush,” “Once More With Feeling,” and “The Zeppo.” Tony’s favorite is “Restless.” - Tony and Nick were asked, if they spent one day as a woman, what would they do? Tony said he’d go shopping and Nick said he’d have a baby. - Both Tony and Nick are open to doing writing or directing. - Both Tony and Nick were asked what their most difficult scene was. Tony’s most difficult scene was in “Passions” when Giles called Buffy. Tony explained that they had a real phone and during the call he was actually talking to Sarah Michelle Gellar. Nick’s most difficult scene was in “Restless” when Xander’s father came down the steps. Nick explained that the scene was difficult because it reminded him of some difficult parts of his childhood. - Tony and Nick also explained that neither of them were asked to do interviews for the season 7 DVDs. - Tony did pitch one episode to the writers - where Giles was the bad guy, but the writers never picked it up.