Sunday (Part 3)
by Nighthawk
Didn't God rest on Sunday? Well, obviously he wasn't at a Buffy convention. Another day of fun and frolic in the big, scary city. I'm gonna hafta defer most of the comment from Sunday to my Harem Hotties. I decided that since I was in Cleveland that I would visit one of the best and most well know skate/bike parks in the country: Chengaworld.
Either way, the ladies and I jumped in the van about 10am (yes, THAT van!) and headed to Starbucks and to grab some extra video tapes and whatnot.
After getting back to the hotel, I loaded up and left for the day. What follows is some semblance of what was fed to me as I met the girls in line for Andy Hallett at about 4pm.
Andy Hallett is funny as hell! He told the funniest stories and kept going off on tangents the whole day. I'll let one of the girls fill you in on the "Bus" story and "Boo." Somehow, Andy's friend "Evil Steve" brought a picture of Andy showing off his tattoo (and consequently his ass as well) and got up on stage to show it. He even brought it to the autograph session and had it sitting on Andy's table.
James was obviously the highlight of the day again. I almost feel bad that I only saw him on Saturday because everyone said it was much better on Sunday. LadyHawk did much video taping on Sunday so I have to check that out to catch up. Our wonderful Wish herself was able to ask questions on both days. (You go!) And there were no repeats of the now infamous "sock" question thank God. LOL Also, James did a piece from the Tempest that everyone said was just amazing. Like I said, I apologize for not being there on Sunday..but trust me, the girls will do a fine job of filling in the blanks.
When I met up with them that afternoon (unhurt I might add..which is a big plus for me!) they were almost in the room with Andy. Wish was presenting the shirt this time (so Myth wouldn't forget to tell Andy I had designed it...sorry,'re right, you'll never live that down!) so I was in line behind her. Upon entering the room, you could tell Andy was basically Lorne with no makeup. Not just in looks but everything about him is Lorne. He's so funny and nice and seemed to have something nice to say to everyone. Although on lady wanted him to sign a picture of Lorne and Cordelia and the only place to sign it was over Cordy's ample chest. He looked at it and said "I ain't signing Cordelia's tits sweetie!" LMAO! LadyHawk had missed the signing on Saturday as well so she was able to get an autograph for her and one for our 2 kids. Andy looked up and said "You have 2 kids? My goodness! You look great!" Wish then gave him the shirt and explained about our wonderful community and he read the back and saw the personalized sleeve and said "Wow! Look at this!" (while showing it to his agent) Wish then said to wear it somewhere and he said he would "most definitely do that!" He shook my hand and thanked me (and HMC in the process) for doing that for him. He then signed my photo of him "To Greg, Thanks for the Awesome shirt!" As we were leaving he made sure it was displayed on his table for all to see.
We then headed back to the main room where James was. We again were able to sit on the front row (why wasn't anyone else donig this?) while waiting for our row to get in line. Again James was as gracious as ever even tho he needed to leave to catch a flight. He stayed until every single person who paid to see him got an autograph. After Wish, Hippie, Myth and H4S got their autographs, they said their goodbyes to LadyHawk and Dusty. I walked them out to the van (yes, THAT van...) to say my goodbyes. I couldn't let my Hotties just leave could I? It was a sad but wonderful moment. Hugs were flowing like wine...but I digress...I returned to the session and got in line so I could tape LadyHawk as she got her autograph. I thanked him for the suggestion on the restaurant in Venice. He looked up and said "Oh! No problem! Don't miss it! It's absolutely fabulous. You'll love it!" What can I say that hasn't already been said? I was thoroughly impressed with everyone.
As we were leaving, I went back down to the room where Iyari, Clem and Robin were. Iyari came out and said "Hi" to me again and I thanked her for being so kind and generous with her time. She gave me ANOTHER HUG (YAY ME!!!!) and thanked me as well. What a sweet girl.
I then went into the room and spoke with Robin and Clem. Both were very gracious as usual and seemed humbled that I would take the time to thank them for their time and effort during the weekend.
We left the hotel and got into the truck to make the 6 hour drive back to Louisville. We talked much about the weekend and the people we had met and watched Dusty's OMWF dvd.
I would have to say that this was one of the most fun and interesting weekends of my life. The people we met up with from HMC and the actors that gave their time to come and hang out were incredible. I so wish that I could join you all at DragonCon.
That's pretty much the weekend from my perspective. Check out the message board threads for insight from the others who were there (esp. on Sunday). I hope you enjoyed the show. Tune in next time for Chasing Jamie Part 2: The Return of HMC!!!!