Título: ¿Qué hace a BtVS tan especial?
Autor: Tien
Fecha: 5 de Septiembre del 2001
Publicado originalemente en: WhatIsMyLine.com
Referencia hasta: 5.22
¿Qué hace a BtVS tan especial?
Creo que habría que empezar por la base de la serie. Y con esto no me refiero a la trama (que quizá tomaría un segundo -aunque importantísimo- lugar), sino a los personajes.
Por qué le doy 'más importancia' a los personajes que a la historia que nos cuenta la serie? Porque creo que si tomamos a los mismos personajes y los ponemos en situaciones diferentes, seguiríamos teniendo un show de primera calidad. En cambio si tomaramos la excelente trama de BtVS, pero con distintos personajes, no estoy tan segura del resultado.
Otra vez, por qué? Porque son personajes 'reales'. Y sí, soy conciente de que estoy llamando reales a cazadoras, vampiros, brujas, demonios, etc.
Creo que lo que los convierte en 'reales' es que no son personajes extremos, caricaturizados, el típico héroe invensible o el malo absoluto. Todos tienen sus fallas, son moralmente ambiguos, abiertos al cambio.
Acaso el Alcalde no fue el único que trató a Faith como a una hija? Y al fin y al cabo todo lo que hace Glory tiene una motivación muy comprensible: sólo quiere volver a 'casa'.
Si todavía insistimos en encasillar a estos personajes en alguna categoría, obviamente Buffy caería en la de 'heroína'. Pero una heroína a la que hemos visto crecer, cambiar, madurar a lo largo de estos cinco años. Además todos sabemos que está lejos de ser perfecta. Cuántas veces la hemos visto flaquear? Casi darse por vencida?
Creo que entre los ejemplos más destacables encontraríamos:
A la Buffy de WELCOME TO THE HELLMOUTH, reaciente a retomar sus labores de Cazadora.
Buffy: "Prepares me for what? For getting kicked out of school? For losing all of my friends? For having to spend all of my time fighting for my life and never getting to tell anyone because I might endanger them? Go ahead! Prepare me."
Buffy: "You know, I just wanted to start over. Be like everybody else.
Have some friends, y'know, maybe a dog... But, no, you had to come here,
you couldn't go suck on some other town."
A la Buffy de PROPHECY GIRL que se negaba a morir a los 16 años, sólo porque una profesía escrita mucho tiempo atrás así lo decía.
Buffy: "I've got a way around it. I quit!"
Angel: "It's not that simple."
Buffy: "I'm making it that simple! I quit! I resign, I-I'm fired, you can find someone else to stop the Master from taking over!"
Giles: "I'm not sure that anyone else can. All the... the signs indicate..."
Giles: "No, I don't suppose I am."
Angel: "I know this is hard."
Buffy: "What do you know about this? You're never gonna die!"
Angel: "You think I want anything to happen to you? Do you think I could
stand it? We just gotta figure out a way..."
Buffy: "I already did. I quit, remember? Pay attention!"
Giles: "Buffy, if the Master rises..."
Buffy: "I don't care! I don't care. Giles, I'm sixteen years old. I don't wanna die."
A la Buffy de ANNE, tratando de alejarse de todo y de todos.
Ken: "But... I know you... *Anne*. So afraid. So pathetically determined to run away from whatever it is you used to be. To disappear. Congratulations. You got your wish."
Y más aun la Buffy de SPIRAL, THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD y THE GIFT, agobiada por todo lo que tuvo que enfrentar en su corta vida, pero especialmente en el último año.
Willow: "What happened here?"
Buffy: "This was when I quit, Will."
Willow: "You did?"
Buffy: "Just for a second. I remember. I was in the magic shop. I put a book back for Giles. Nothing special about it. And then it hit me.
Willow: What hit you?"
Buffy: "I can't beat Glory. Glory's going to win."
Willow: "You can't know that."
Buffy: "I didn't just know it. I felt it. Glory will beat me. And in that second of knowing it, Will... I wanted it to happen."
Willow: "Why?"
Buffy: "I wanted it over. This is ... all of this ... it's too much for me. I just wanted it over. If Glory wins ... then Dawn dies. And I would grieve. People would feel sorry for me. But it would be over. And I imagined what a relief it would be."
Buffy: "This is how many apocalypses for us now?"
Giles: "Oh, uh, well... six, at least. Feels like a hundred."
Buffy: "I've always stopped them. Always won."
Giles: "Yes."
Buffy: "I sacrificed Angel to save the world. I loved him so much. But I knew ... what was right. I don't have that any more. I don't understand. I don't know how to live in this world if these are the choices. If everything just gets stripped away. I don't see the point. I just wish that... I just wish my mom was here. The spirit guide told me ... that death is my gift. Guess that means a Slayer really is just a killer after all."
Giles: "I think you're wrong about that."
Buffy: "It doesn't matter. If Dawn dies, I'm done with it. I'm quitting."
Sin embargo, todas y cada una de las veces la vimos salir adelante, ya sea sola, ya sea con la ayuda de sus amigos. Pero más que nada por ser quién es, una persona íntegra, que sabe lo que tiene que hacer, no porque se lo deba a los demás, sino porque moralmente se lo debe a sí misma.
Acá podemos ver:
Otra vez a la Buffy de PROPHECY GIRL, enfrentando su destino.
Giles: "Buffy's not gonna face the Master. I am."
Buffy: "No, you're not. So, I'm looking for a kid, huh? And he'll lead me to the Master?"
Giles: "Buffy, I'm not gonna send you out there to die. Now, you were right. I-I've waded around in these old books for so long, I've forgotten what the real world is like. I-it's time I found out."
Buffy: "You're still not going up against the Master."
Giles: "I've made up my mind."
Buffy: "So have I."
Giles: "I made up my mine first! I'm older and wiser than you, and just... just do what you're told for once! Alright?"
Buffy: "That's not how it goes. I'm the Slayer."
Giles: "I don't care what the books say. I defy prophecy, and I am going. There's nothing you can say will change my mind."
Buffy: "I know."
She throws a hard punch to his face, knocking him out.
Buffy: "When he wakes up tell him... I don't know. Think of something cool, tell him I said it."
A la Buffy de HELPLESS, temerosa de haber perdido lo que la hace tan especial. Y no hablo de los 'super-poderes' sino de su habilidad para ayudar a los demás.
Buffy: "I'm sorry. Uh, it's just suddenly there's this chance that my calling's a wrong number, and... it's just freaking me out a little."
Angel: "That's understandable."
Buffy: "Angel, what if I have lost my power?"
Angel: "You lived a long time without it. You can do it again."
Buffy: "I guess. But what if I can't? I've seen too much. I know what goes bump in the night. Not being able to fight it... What if I just hide under my bed, all scared and helpless? Or what if I just become pathetic? Hanging out at the old Slayer's home, talking people's ears off about my glory days, showing them Mr. Pointy, the stake I had bronzed."
Angel: "Buffy, you could never be helpless or boring, not even if you tried."
Buffy: "Don't be so sure. Before I was the Slayer, I was... Well, I, I don't wanna say shallow, but... Let's say a certain person, who will remain nameless, we'll just call her Spordelia, looked like a classical philosopher next to me. Angel, if I'm not the Slayer, what do I do? What do I have to offer?"
Y sobre todo a la Buffy de THE GIFT, dispuesta a sacrificarse por quienes ama y por el resto del mundo.
Dawn: "Buffy ... no!"
Buffy: "Dawnie, I have to."
Dawn: "No!"
Buffy: "Listen to me. Please, there's not a lot of time, listen. Dawn, listen to me. Listen. I love you. I will *always* love you. But this is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles ... tell Giles I figured it out. And, and I'm okay. And give my love to my friends. You have to take care of them now. You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world ... is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me."
Ahora, si bien Buffy es un personaje muy rico para analizar, creo que no hay personaje más complejo, polémico y con más dimensiones que Spike. No hay nadie en todo Sunnydale tan moralmente ambiguo, abierto al cambio y con más fallas como nuestro vampiro rubio. Tanto así que prácticamente nos es imposible etiquetarlo. No por nada es el favorito de la mayoría de los fans, ya sea porque amen odiarlo o porque odien amarlo.
La primera impresión que tuvimos de él fue la de un vampiro más del montón que sólo quiere destruir a la Cazadora.
Spike: "You're too old to eat. But not to kill. (Kills him) I feel better."
Giles: "Our new friend Spike. He's known as 'William the Bloody'. Earned his nickname by torturing his victims with railroad spikes. Very pleasant. Well, here's some good news: he's barely two hundred. He's not even as old as Angel is. Oh."
Xander: "That's a bad look, right?"
Giles: "I think your suggestion of running away this Saturday might've been a good one. Spike has fought two Slayers in the last century, and... he's killed them both."
Pero inmediatamente conocimos el 'otro lado' de Spike al verlo con Drusilla. Desde ese momento nos dimos cuenta de que estaba muy lejos de ser 'típico'.
Drusilla: "Spike? I'm cold."
Spike: "I've got you." (puts his jacket around her)
Drusilla: "I'm a princess."
Spike: "That's what you are."
Con el paso del tiempo, lo vimos 'salvar al mundo'...
Buffy: "What do you want?"
Spike: "I told you. I want to stop Angel. I want to save the world."
Buffy: "Okay. You do remember that you're a vampire, right?"
Spike: "We like to talk big. Vampires do. 'I'm going to destroy the world.' That's just tough guy talk. Strutting around with your friends over a pint of blood. The truth is, I like this world. You've got... dog racing, Manchester United. And you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here. But then someone comes along with a vision. With a real... passion for destruction. Angel could pull it off. Goodbye, Picadilly. Farewell, Leicester Bloody Square. You know what I'm saying?"
Buffy: "Okay, fine. You're not down with Angel. Why would you ever come to me?"
Spike: "I want Dru back. I want it like it was before he came back. The way she acts around him..."
... Totalmente destruído por la pérdida de Dru y dispuesto a todo por recuperarla...
"She wouldn't even kill me. She just left. She didn't even care enough to cut off my head or set me on fire. I mean, is that too much to ask? You know? Some little sign that she cared? It was that truce with Buffy that did it. Dru said I'd gone soft. Wasn't demon enough for the likes of her. And I told her it didn't mean anything, I was thinking of her the whole time, but she didn't care. So, we got to Brazil, and she was... she was just different. I
gave her everything: beautiful jewels, beautiful dresses with beautiful girls in them, but nothing made her happy. And she would fliiirt! I caught her on a park bench, making out with a *chaos* demon! Have you ever seen a chaos demon? They're all slime and antlers. They're disgusting. She only did it to hurt me. So I said, 'I'm not putting up with this anymore.' And she said, 'Fine!' And I said, 'Yeah, I've got an unlife, you know!' And then she said... she said we could still be friends. God, I'm so unhappy!"
... Volver a sus andadas...
"This gem is everything I came back to Sunnydale for, which has witnessed some truly spectacular kickings of my ass. Now, when I have the gem, they'll all die, don't worry."
... Sufrir un problema muy 'humano'...
Spike: "I don't understand. This sort of thing's never happened to me
Willow: "Maybe you were nervous."
Spike: "I felt all right when I started. Let's try again. Ow! Oh! Ow! Damn it!"
... Consolar a Willow...
Willow: "It's me, isn't it?"
Spike: "What are you talking about?"
Willow: "Well, you came looking for Buffy, then settled. I--I... You didn't
want to bite me. I just happened to be around."
Spike: "Piffle!"
Willow: "I know I'm not the kind of girl vamps like to sink their teeth into.
It's always like, 'ooh, you're like a sister to me,' or, 'oh, you're such a
good friend.'"
Spike: "Don't be ridiculous. I'd bite you in a heartbeat."
Willow: "Really?"
Spike: "Thought about it."
Willow: "When?"
Spike: "Remember last year, you had on that... Fuzzy pink number with the
lilac underneath?"
Willow: "I never would have guessed. You played the blood-lust kinda cool."
Spike: "Mmm. I hate being obvious. All fang-y and "rrrr!" Takes the mystery
Willow: "But if you could..."
Spike: "If I could, yeah."
Willow: "You know, this doesn't make you any less terrifying."
Spike: "Don't patronize me."
... Volver a pedir la ayuda de los Scoobies...
Spike: "Help me. Ohh! What part of help me do you not understand?"
Buffy: "The part where I help you."
Spike: "Come on, I'm parboiling out here."
Buffy: "Want me to help make it quicker?"
Spike: "Invite me in."
Giles: "No. It's fairly unlikely."
Spike: "Oh, damn it! look, I'm safe. I can't bite anyone. Willow, tell' em what I did."
Willow: "You said you were gonna kill me, then buffy."
Spike: "Yes, bad, but let's skip that part and get to the part where I couldn't bite you."
Willow: "It's true. He had trouble perfoing."
Spike: "Yeah, well, it looks like they've done me for good. Um..."
Buffy: "What are you saying?"
Spike: "I'm saying that Spike had a little trip to the vet and now he doesn't chase the other puppies anymore. I can't bite anything. I can't even hit people."
Buffy: "So you haven't murdered anybody lately? Let's be best pals."
Spike: "I've got information. About the soldier boys you were fighting. Got the inside scoop. Come on, what have you got to be afraid of?"
... Traicionarlos...
Spike: "There's your --what do you call it-- variable. The Slayer's got pals. You want her evening the odds in a fight you don't want the Slayerettes mucking about."
Adam: "Take them away from her."
Spike: "Now there's a plan. She's working solo, she won't have a chance to come after us when the wild rumpus begins. Plus, it will make her miserable. And I never get tired of that. Yeah. Leave `em to me."
Adam: "You can't hurt them. What can you do to make sure they're out of the picture?"
Spike: "Not a blessed thing. They're gonna do it for me."
... Enamorarse de la Cazadora...
Buffy: "Oh ... oh no. Are you out of your mind?
Spike: "It's not so unusual. Two people ... in the workplace ... feelings develop."
Buffy: "No! No, no, feelings do not develop. No feelings."
Spike: "You can't deny it. There's something between us."
Buffy: "Loathing. Disgust."
Spike: "Heat. Desire."
Buffy: "Please! Spike, you're a vampire."
Spike: "Angel was a vampire."
Buffy: "Angel was good!"
Spike: "And I can be too. I've changed, Buffy."
Buffy: "What, that chip in your head? That's not change. Tha-that's just ...
holding you back. You're like a serial killer in prison!"
Spike: "Women marry 'em all the time!"
Buffy: "Uhh!"
Spike: "But I'm not ... like that. Something's happening to me. I can't stop thinking about you."
Buffy: "Uhh."
Spike: "And if that means turning my back on the whole evil thing-"
Buffy: "You don't know what you mean! You don't know what feelings are!
Spike: "I damn well do! I lie awake every night!"
Buffy: "You sleep during the day!"
Spike: "Yeah, but - You are missing the point. This is real here. I love-"
Buffy: "Don't! Don't say it. I'm going."
Spike: "Oh, come on, we need to talk-"
Buffy: "We don't need to do anything! Okay, there is no we! Understand?"
Spike: "Buffy."
... Admitir su cariño por Joyce...
Xander: "You have got to be kidding."
Spike: "I'm not going in."
Xander: "And you're not leaving those. You actually think you're gonna score points
with Buffy this way?"
Spike: "This isn't about Buffy.
Xander: "Bull. We're all hip to your doomed obsession."
Spike: "They're for Joyce."
Xander: "Like you care about her."
Willow: "Guys, guys, not here."
Spike: "Care? Joyce was the only one of the lot of you that I could stand."
Xander: "And she's the only one with a daughter you wanted to shag. I'm touched."
Spike: "I liked the lady. Understand, monkey boy? She was decent. She didn't put on airs. She always had a nice cuppa for me. And she never treated me like a freak."
Xander: "Her mistake."
Spike: "Think what you want."
Xander: "Un ... believable. The guy thinks he can put on a big show and con Buffy into being his sex monkey."
Willow: "Xander... He didn't leave a card."
... Ayudar a las 'mujeres Summers',
Dawn: "You don't have to be all nice to me. I know why you're doing this."
Spike: "Do you now? Enlighten me."
Dawn: "Spike, I'm not stupid. You're, like, stalking my sister. You'd do anything to get in good with her."
Spike: "Buffy never hears about this, okay? Found out what I was doing, she'd drive a redwood through my chest."
Dawn: "Then, if you don't want credit, why are you helping me?"
Spike: "I just don't like to see Summers women take it so hard on the chin, is all. And I'm dead serious. You breathe a word of this to Buffy, I'll see to it that *you* end up in the ground. Got it?"
Dawn: "Yeah. Got it."
hasta el punto de dejarse torturar por Glory...
BuffyBot: "Why did you let that Glory hurt you?"
Spike: "She wanted to know who the key was."
BuffyBot: "Oh, well, I can tell her, and then you'll-"
Spike: "No! You can't ever. Glory never finds out."
BuffyBot: "Why?"
Spike: "'Cause Buffy ... the other, not so pleasant Buffy ... anything happened to Dawn, it'd destroy her. I couldn't live, her bein' in that much pain. Let Glory kill me first. Nearly bloody did."
... Unirse a los Scoobies en su batalla contra 'la Bestia'...
Giles: "What's he doing here?"
Spike: "Just out for a jaunt. Thought I'd swing by and say howdy."
Giles: "Out."
Buffy: "He's here because we need him."
Xander: "The hell we do."
Buffy: "If Glory finds us, he's the only one besides me that has any chance
of protecting Dawn."
Xander: "Buffy, come on-"
Buffy: "Look, this isn't a discussion! He stays. Get over it."
... Hacer una promesa que podría costarle la 'vida'...
Buffy: "We're not all gonna make it. You know that."
Spike: "Yeah. Hey. Always knew I'd go down fightin'."
Buffy: "I'm counting on you ... to protect her."
Spike: "Till the end of the world. Even if that happens to be tonight."
... Desnudar nuevamente su corazón...
"I know you'll never love me. I know that I'm a monster. But you treat me like a man. And that's..."
... Y finalmente hacer lo que en un principio nadie creyó posible: llorar por la muerte de la Cazadora.
Wow, toooooodo eso fue, a muy grandes razgos, una pequeña descripción de dos de los personajes más fuertes de la serie. Y como se habrán dado cuenta, el 90% son quotes. Eso muestra que los personajes hablan por si solos, no hace falta más explicaciones para mostrar su grandeza.
Otra vez, lo anterior sólo involucra a dos de los personajes de BtVS. Obviamente esto sería interminable si nos detubieramos a analizar detalladamente estos y los demás, tanto en los 'actuales', como en los que ya no están con nosotros. Aunque no es justo, porque sobre todo personajes como Willow, Faith y Angel, tienen práticamente tanta profundidad como los anteriores.
Pasemos ahora a 'la historia' que nos cuenta BtVS. Si a los personajes anteriores, le agregamos un lugar como Sunnydale...
Buffy: "And with the Hellmouth below us sending out mystical energy..."
Giles: "But that's the thrill of living on the Hellmouth! There's a veritable cornucopia of, of fiends and devils and, and ghouls to engage."
... Bueno, qué más podemos pedir? Tenemos acción, comedia, horror, drama... pero combinado por el magistral equipo de Joss de una manera que realmente nos llega.
Y los que vemos la serie, a diferencia de los que ya sea desalentados por el título o simplemente por prejuiciosos no la ven, sabemos que no sólo vamos a encontrar peleas entre 'el bien' y 'el mal' y un montón de demonios desfilando frente a nuestros ojos. Sabemos que la historia es mucho más profunda que eso, aunque no deja de ser muy simple. "Our show is all about change and growth and living life and all it puts you through." - Joss Whedon
BtVS nos mantiene alerta. Cualquier escena, gesto, frase, palabra, incluso lo que 'no' fue dicho puede ser la clave para entender lo que pasa aun años después. Eso hace que los fans tengamos que leer entre líneas... y quizá a veces entre las líneas que están entre líneas. Y nunca más gustosos... Como resultado surgen un sinfín de conjeturas, hipótesis, teorías, la gran mayoría descabelladas... hasta que luego realmente suceden... Piensen en Willow diciendo "I think I'm kinda gay" en la mitad de la tercera temporada.
Como leí por algún lado, esta no es una historia lineal, es una historia en '3D'. Joss nos lleva a través del tiempo y el espacio (Mmmm no serían 4D?), revelando cosas que dan vuelta toda nuestra concepción del llamado JossyVerse, pero que a su vez explican esas pequeñas contradicciones que nos venían molestando, llevándonos a todos a un "Duh!" colectivo, porque la respuesta había estado frente a nuestras narices todo el tiempo, sólo que necesitábamos de otro punto de vista para darnos cuenta de su verdadero significado. Así mismo, sabemos que si algo no tiene explicación por el momento, ya la tendrá... sólo hay que saber esperar.
Quizá sea por esto que muchos no nos cansemos de ver y volver a ver los episodios. Cada vez que lo hacemos descubrimos algo nuevo. Algunas son cosas que simplemente se nos habían escapado, pero otras sólo las podemos ver ahora porque hemos madurado con la historia.
Como fue dicho en el primer mensaje de esta discusión: "Creo que en Buffy Cazavampiros se ve reflejada mucha gente, quizás de un modo inconsciente, pero así es. Pero esta serie lo engrandece, en ella todo es más pasional, más emocionante, es una lucha al limite."
Si han leído alguno de mis mensajes anteriores, verán que ya usé la palabra pasión para describir a esta serie en varias oportunidades. Creo que lo siento de ese modo desde que Angelus recitó el poema en PASSION, tal vez porque define la pasión de una manera distinta a la que estamos acostumbrados.
It lies in all of us,
Sleeping, waiting.
And though unwanted, unbidden,
It will stir, open its jaws, and howl.
It speaks to us, guides us.
Passion rules us all,
And we obey.
What other choice do we have?
Passion is the source of our finest moments.
The joy of love,
The clarity of hatred,
And the ecstasy of grief.
If we could live without passion,
Maybe we'd know some kind of peace.
But we would be hollow.
Empty rooms, shuttered and dank.
Without passion, we'd be truly dead.
BtVS nos llega (por lo menos a mí) muy adentro. No sé si es porque nos vemos reflejados, si es por la pasión que posee cada uno de los personajes o si es por algún otro motivo. El hecho es que desde hace 5 años Buffy The Vampire Slayer ha conmovido a sus fans hasta las lágrimas. Y lo más asombroso es que ha logrado hacerlo práticamente en cada uno de los 100 episodios.
Pero aun en los momentos más trágicos no podemos evitar esbozar una sonrisa, así como en los momentos más cómicos no podemos evitar pensar que tal vez detrás de una simple broma haya algo más profundo. Hasta ese punto llega la calidad de los escritores.
Ya tenemos los personajes y la historia... qué falta? Los actores.
La historia no tendría la llegada que tiene, ni los personajes la misma profundidad, si no fuera por el maravilloso elenco que Joss logró reunir. Nadie puede negar el talento de Tony, Emma, Amber o Nicholas, pero en mi opinión los que más se destacan son Sarah, James, Alyson y la recién llegada Michelle.
La actuación de Sarah en THE BODY es OutStanding... sobresaliente.
James... Este es un comentario sobre él que encontré en Blooy Awful Poet Society (BASP). Puede sonar tonto, pero es totalmente certero:
If they told James Marsters that his new love interest was a cement block,
he would have chemistry with the cement block. We would all be Spike/Cement
Block shippers, and there would be a S/CB fic list, and whenever JM looked at the block just so, we would all post things like, "Whoa, Cement Block looked hot tonight." - Amy
Creo que una de sus mejores escenas pertenece a FOOL FOR LOVE. Cuando Buffy le arroja la plata después de su 'lección'. Podemos ver como desfilan por su cara (sobre todo en sus ojos) el dolor, la humillación y la ira, que va creciendo hasta que realmente da miedo.
Por otro lado, quién puede olvidar la reacción de Willow en el teléfono en PASSION cuando recibe la noticia de que Jenny ha muerto? O la actuación de Alyson en THE BODY o THOUGH LOVE. Imperdibles.
Y las de Michelle en BLOOD TIES, THE BODY y THE GIFT?
Ya sea por la calidad de la historia, la profundidad de los personajes o la interpretación de los actores, nadie puede negar que BtVS produce una reacción en los televidentes alrededor del mundo.
Los fans han hecho de ésta una serie de culto, profesores en Australia la utilizan como 'libro de texto' para algunas de sus cátedras, los crítilos la elogian. Aunque también por otro lado están quienes la detestan, hasta llegan a considerarla 'ofensiva'. Sobre esto aun opino que es porque no se han molestado en 'realmente' verla, pero eso pertenece a otra discusión.
El hecho es que en todos los casos hay una reacción, nadie puede dejarla pasar inadvertidamente. De cuántas series podemos decir lo mismo?
En fin, BtVS es una serie que nos obliga a tomarnos unos minutos después de cada episodio para asimilar la información y la carga emosional que acaba de sernos entregada.
Más aun, es una serie que nos tiene esperando que sea Martes (al menos en Argentina), para poder instalarnos frente al televisor y por una hora olvidarnos de todo lo que nos rodea y sumergirnos en ese fasinante universo que fue creado para nosotros.
Pero su alcance no se queda ahí, rompe las barreras y pasa más allá de la pantalla. De no ser así, no encontraríamos tantos FanFics, tantas Páginas Web y no estaríamos participando de foros como este.
Y por sobre todas las cosas no encontraríamos comentarios como, por ejemplo, el de Florwich: "Todos los que amamos esta serie no podremos estar deacuerdo en política, o en futbol, pero Buffy nos une no importando que yo sea de Chile y tu de Argentina, o de Mexico y toda latinoamérica,'NOSOTROS SOMOS MAS'."
Como ya fue dicho anteriormente en esta discusión: "Buffy representa muchas cosas, pero ante todo infunde esperanza".
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