AUDIO > Extractos Buffy y Angel
1x03 "In the Dark": Spike parodiando a Angel
“How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing?...
Duración: 1:36 - Tamaño: 1.45 Mb
Buffy Cazavampiros
4x03 "In The Harsh Light of Day": Spike en armonía.
I love syphilis more than you...
Duración: 0:05 - Tamaño: 82 Kb
4x09 "Something Blue ": Una galletita...
Don't I get a cookie?...
Duración: 0:08 - Tamaño: 57 Kb
4x11 "Doomed": La seguridad de los peluches.
Come on! Vampires! Grrr! Nasty! Let’s annihilate them. For justice - and for - the safety of puppies – and Christmas, right?...
Duración: 0:33 - Tamaño: 372 Kb
5x10 "Into the Woods ": The Naked Part.
Are you naked under there?...
Duración: 0:13 - Tamaño: 214 Kb
5x12 "Checkpoint": Spike al rescate...
The stress of slaying, aging you prematurely. Things not as high, not as firm...
Duración: 1:21 - Tamaño: 916 Kb
5x18 "Intervention": No lo olvidaré.
What you did, for me, and Dawn ... that was real...I won't forget it.
Duración: 1:21 - Tamaño: 1.42 Mb
5x22 "The Gift ": The hardest thing in this world... Nuevo´s to live in it.
Duración: 2:57 - Tamaño: 2.66 Mb
6x03 "After Life ": 147 días.
Spike: Hundred forty-seven days yesterday. Uh ... hundred forty-eight today. 'Cept today doesn't count, does it?...
Duración: 0:45 - Tamaño: 708 Kb
6x03 "After Life ": Cada noche te salvo.
But I want you to know I did save you. Not when it counted, of course, but ... after that. Every night after that...
Duración: 1:02 - Tamaño: 956 Kb
6x07 "Once More with feeling ": Se queman.
Where do we go from here?...
Duración: 1:00 - Tamaño: 937 Kb
6x07 "Smashed": Spike y Buffy "muy juntos" (+18)
You afraid I'm gonna- };D
Duración: 1:24 - Tamaño: 1.27 Mb
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