Angel (or Angelus) is over 200 years old. He has the appearance of being in his early twenties, but he is anything but.
Angel was born about 243 years ago in Ireland. He met Darla who was a vampire but he didn’t know it. She made him into a vampire. He killed his family, friends, and any other human he came into contact with for many years without regret. He was known as the most viscious creature to walk the earth. Even the Master had big plans for him.
One night he made the mistake of feeding on a young gypsy girl. As a punishment, the elders of her tribe gave him back his soul, which he had lost when he became a vampire. He remembered all of the people he had killed and regretted each and every death. He has to live with that fact for the rest of his life, which could be very, very long.
Instead of killing humans, he developed a deep hate for vampires and began killing them instead. He traveled to Sunnydale where he knew strange things were happening. He began helping in the fight to stop the vampires. He joined the Slayer and her friends in stopping the Harvest and other mystical occurrences.
Angel lost his soul after experiencing one moment of happiness while sleeping with Buffy. He tormented Buffy and her friends, killing Ms. Calendar and endangering the lives of everyone else. While trying to open a vortex to Hell, Willow managed to restore his soul, but not before he was able to wake the demon that would bring forth Hell. Buffy stabbed him through the heart with a metal sword, not killing him, but sending him to hell.
Past Flames: Darla. The vampire that created him. They killed together for many years. The relationship ended when Angel got his soul back. He ended up killing her with a stake.
Druscilla. He made her a vampire on the day she was to take her holy vows as a nun. They created havoc together until Angel regained his soul. The relationship was briefly revived when Angel lost his soul but ended when Buffy sent him to hell to close a vortex.