On-screen Smoochies
The Kissage Files
OK, here's the deal. This is soon to become a documentation of every kiss Buffy and Angel have shared. It will have pictures, sounds (maybe), and the conversation/situation surrounding the kiss. You guys have to help me out though. I need to know if there are any kisses I've missed.
Vote for your favorite kiss
Passion Meter = A percentage of passion in the kiss. (i.e. how long it goes for)
Romance Meter = A rating of how much romance is in the circumstances surrounding the kiss (i.e. was it set up, were their flowers present, etc.)
Lust Meter = A scale to judge how much lust was in the kiss (i.e. Tongue? Extra saliva?)
Kiss #1
Place - Buffy's Bedroom
Time - Night, after Supper
Episode - Angel
Circumstances - Angel told Buffy he couldn't see her anymore, because every time he was with her all he could think about was kissing her. He then proceeded to kiss her (well, she kissed him back, but you know what I mean!)
Of Note - The kiss broke off when Angel lost control of his inner demon (literally). Buffy found out he was a vampire for the first time.
Passion Meter - 70% (it got pretty hot and heavy there for a minute)
Romance Meter - 30% (what's romantic about a bedroom. Ok, the obvious answer is the bed, but that isn't what I'm talking about! Please people, work with me)
Lust Meter - 80% (Like I said earlier, hot and heavy. Also, the hands got into it)
Kiss # 2
Place - The Bronze Dance Floor
Time - The post Fumigation Party
Episode - Angel
Circumstances - Angel came to say that they would never work since he was 241 years older than Buffy was. Buffy agreed and they shared a parting kiss
Of Note - During the kiss Buffy burned Angel with the cross she had recieved from him the first time they met. Angel didn't say anything during or after the kiss
Passion Meter - 80% (It lasted for quite a while even though we arent sure how long due to commercial break)
Romance Meter - 60% (Ok, a dance floor isn't that romantic, but saying good-bye is in a tragic sort of way)
Lust Meter - 50% (Again, the hands got into it somewhat)
Kiss # 3
Place - Buffy's Bedroom
Time - Halloween night
Episode - Halloween
Circumstances - After nearly getting killed by Spike (again), Angel took Buffy back to her house so she could change out of her 17th (18th?) century Lady costume. After she had changed, Angel asked her why she thought he would like her better like that. She replied that she wanted to feel like a normal girl, like the girls Angel had liked when he was her age. He retorted that he had hated the girls back then and Buffy was much more...interesting. Buffy went on to show him just how interesting she could be.
Passion Meter - 50% (Just normal smoochies, but lengthy)
Romance Meter - 30% (Again, what's romantic about a bedroom?)
Lust Meter - 40% (Hands again, but not too much lust)
Kiss # 4
Place - The Ice Rink
Time - Tuesday (The day the ice rink is closed) at night
Episode - What's My Line Part One
Circumstances - Buffy had just been attacked by a really big, yicky guy. She managed to kill him by slitting his throat with her skate, but not before Angel recieved a cut on his brow. Angel realized she was in great danger, but Buffy was more concerned about his face. He was still 'vampirey' so he turned away when she tried to touch him. He told her that she shouldn't have to touch him when he was like this, but she replied that she hadn't even noticed. She then kissed him.
Passion Meter - 60%
Romance Meter - 85%
Lust Meter - 30%
Kiss # 5
Place - Angel's Apartment
Time - Afternoon (I think)
Episode - Ted
Circumstances - Buffy was dressing a wound Angel had recieved earlier on his hand. They were discussing Buffy's mother's new boyfriend. Suddenly, Angel said, "Kiss Me". and Buffy replied, "Finally, something I want to do!" And she did.
Passion Meter - 40% (Not much there)
Romance Meter - 30% (It's Angel's apartment. They were talking about her mother. Romance? I think not.)
Lust Meter - 70% (They are laying down. Going non-vertical has lust potential)
Kiss # 6
Place - The graveyard
Time - Night
Episode - Bad Eggs
Circumstances - They were suppossed to be fighting, instead they were smooching
Passion Meter - 80% (They couldn't stop. That's Passion)
Romance Meter - 20% (A graveyard? Eww!)
Lust Meter - 90% (I detected tongue, and they were having trouble catching their breath. Well, Buffy was anyway:-)
Kiss # 7
Place - Graveyard
Time - Night (again)
Episode - Bad Eggs
Circumstances - Buffy and Angel were kissing, but then they started to discuss their future. Angel told Buffy he couldn't have children, but Buffy said when she looked into the future, all she could see was him. They kissed again.
Of Note - This is actually two different kisses, but during the same scene, so I am making the one with my majic web mistress powers
Passion Meter - 65% (Lengthy...)
Romance Meter - 35% (Again, a graveyard, but they were talking about their future together.)
Lust Meter - 80% (He pushed her up against a tombstone. Morbid much? Also he ran his hands through her hair)
Kiss # 8
Place - Half in Buffy's room, half outside the window
Time - Night...
Episode - Bad Eggs
Circumstances - Buffy got grounded by her mom, so instead of breaking rules by going out or letting Angel in, they kissed each other through her window (it was open)
Passion Meter - 50% (average smoochies)
Romance Meter - 30% (It's not very romantic when your boyfriend isn't even in the same room as you!)
Lust Meter - 40% (Again, average smoochies)
Kiss # 9
Place - Angel's Apartment
Time - In the morning, before school, Buffy's Birthday
Episode - Surprise
Circumstances - Buffy came over to Angel's house after having a nightmare in which he died. During their conversation, Angel suddenly began to kiss her. She pulled away a few times, saying she had to go to school, but they continued to kiss. Buffy stated that she liked seeing Angel in the morning. When he said it was bedtime for him, she said she liked seeing him at bedtime. They kissed again, and she left.
Of Note - This is also more than one kiss, but I'm lumping them together because I can!
Passion Meter - 90% (The fact that Angel initiated it says that he had passion for her)
Romance Meter - 70% (Apartment wasn't too romantic, but discussion they had was)
Lust Meter - 95% (Whoa boy! Down Angel!)
Kiss # 10
Place - The Docks
Time - The night of Buffy's birthday
Episode - Surprise
Circumstances - Angel was leaving for a few months to prevent the Judge from waking. Buffy walked him to the docks where he gave her a birthday present, a claddagh ring (exchanged by the Irish as a sign of devotion). He shows her his ring and she kisses it, then him.
Passion Meter - 50% (They were saying goodbye, so it was more tender than passionate
Romance Meter - 99% (The rings, the goodbye, it makes your heart melt!)
Lust Meter - 30% (Again, more tender than anything)
Kiss # 11
Place - Angel's apartment
Time - Night
Episode - Suprise
Circumstances - After escaping Dru and Spike's party, Angel and Buffy ran through the rain to Angel's apartment for shelter and warm clothing. Angel gave Buffy clothes to change into and turned around, but heard her gasp as she took off her shirt. Angel asked if he could see the injury she had gotten. When she said yes, he came to her and touched her back. The wound was closed and forgotten as Buffy pressed into Angel and nuzzled his neck. They began to kiss and when Angel protested, saying they shouldn't, Buffy silenced him with her hand and they fell back on the bed. The rest is well, you know, history!
Of Note - Their night of passion led to Angel loosing his soul.
Passion Meter - 100% (Um...kinda self explanitory!)
Romance Meter - 60% (They're wet and cold, but love is romantic)
Lust Meter - 100% (Again, self explanitory!)
Kiss # 12
Place - Angel's Apartment
Time - The morning after
Episode - Innocence
Circumstances - Buffy returns to Angel's apartment, and finds him there. She runs up to him, kisses, and hugs him. He becomes very rude to her, saying that he didn't want to stick around after they had made love. He leaves her crying.
Passion Meter - 20% (A quick peck)
Romance Meter - 10% (Nothing romantic about your boyfriend telling you that you didn't live up to his standards!)
Lust Meter - 10% (Again, just a quick peck. Nothing special)
Kiss # 13
Place - Hallway of School
Time - Right after Buffy and Angel's encounter at his apartment
Episode - Innocence
Circumstances - After threatening Willow, the now souless Angel grabs Buffy roughly (I rhymed!) whispers to her, "This is going to be very interesting", kisses her, then throws her to the floor and rushes out.
Passion Meter - 90% (Ooo, rough. Ok, I'm sick!)
Romance Meter - 10% (You're former boyfriend has just threatend your best friend's life, then yours. Can it be more NOT romantic?)
Lust Meter - 50% (Fangs. Cool)
Kiss # 14
Place - The band room at school
Time - Unknown
Episode - I Only Have Eyes for You
Circumstances - Buffy and Angel were possessed by the gost of a young man who killed his teacher and lover (same person) in a fit of blind, passion induced fury. Buffy had just shot Angel and he died, but he came back to life in time to save Buffy from killing herself. The gost was forgiven by his lover and they kissed through Angel and Buffy's bodies. While they were kissing, they left the school. Buffy and Angel continued to kiss for a moment before realizing they were back to normal. Angel pushed her roughly back and ran away.
Of Note - Did anyone else notice the little string of saliva that strung from their mouths after the kiss or am I just the sick one;-)
Passion Meter - 90% (I think it was the possession thing
Romance Meter - 95% (Two lovers lost reunited through them. Kinda like a fairytale but for the guns and deaths and bees and snakes....)
Lust Meter - 95% (Like I said before. Saliva string.)
Kiss # 15
Place - Castle
Time - Daytime...
Episode - Becoming Part Two
Circumstances - Angel had been trying to bring forth a demon called Acathola (sp?) who would open his mouth and create a vortex to Hell. He succeeded, but Buffy began to fight him. Just as she was about to plunge her sword into him, he keeled over and moaned. Willow had restored his soul. Buffy lowered her sword and hugged him, then kissed him.
Passion Meter - 90% (They'd been seperated for, like, 6 months. Of course it was passionate!)
Romance Meter - 95% (He got his soul back! What's more romantic than that!)
Lust Meter - 40% (It was more of a tender kiss...)
Kiss # 16
Place - Mansion/Castle
Time - Right after previous kiss
Episode - Becoming Part Two
Circumstances - While Buffy was hugging Angel, she saw Acathola start to wake up. She knew what she had to do, so she pulled away from him and told him to close his eyes. She kissed him one last time, then plunged the sword into him. He was sucked into hell while she watched.
Passion Meter - 80% (A very tender kiss.)
Romance Meter - 95% (I'm aiming more for the trajic romance thing. I don't call this page Star-Crossed Lovers for nothing!)
Lust Meter - 30% (Again, too tender for lust)