Gilgammar's Sarah Michelle Gellar
SMG Tribute
Absolutely Sarah Michelle Gellar - photo gallery, information, mailinglist, and more.
Alicia Silverstone & Sarah Michelle Gellar Gallery - contains biographies, filmographies, interviews, news, updates, and pics on both actresses.
Always Sarah - SMGFan.com
Andy's Sarah Michelle Gellar Page
Beauty Incarnate: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Bob's Sarah Michelle Gellar Page
Buffy Down Under - an Australian site devoted to the beautiful young actress SMG - Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Buffy Obsession!
Chad's Sarah Michelle Gellar Worshipping Page - multimedia and links to other smg pages.
Church of Gellar
DRV's Tribute to Sarah Michelle Gellar
Gellar Chronicles
Gellar-Love Hewitt Shrine
How to Seduce a Vampire Slayer - What Sarah is looking for.
Illuminations of Sarah Michelle Gellar
Justin's Page of Sara Michelle Geller - pictures, links, and other stuff.
My Sarah Michelle Gellar Shrine
Realm of Sarah Michelle Gellar - info, photos, news, and chat.
Realms of Sarah Michelle Gellar, The
S.M.G. Experience
Sarah M Gellar Fan Page
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sarah Michelle Gellar (Keepin it Real)
Sarah Michelle Gellar - The Brazilian Site - in English and Portuguese.
Sarah Michelle Gellar Altar
Sarah Michelle Gellar Domain
Sarah Michelle Gellar Experience, The
Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan Club Newsletter
Sarah Michelle Gellar Mailing List - Resources and information for the Sarah Michelle Gellar mailing list.
Sarah Michelle Gellar Message Board
Sarah Michelle Gellar Obsession
Sarah Michelle Gellar Page, The
Sarah Michelle Gellar Pics Page - lots of pics.
Sarah Michelle Gellar Shrine
Sarah Michelle Gellar Unofficial Web Page - star of "Swans Crossing" and "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". Site includes pictures and information.
Sarah Michelle Gellar Unveiled-A Tribute - dedicated to the beautiful and talented actor with pictures, bio, links, awards, and much more.
Sarah Michelle Gellar Visions - many pics, sounds, links, info, and more.
Sarah Michelle Gellar World
Sarah Michelle Gellar's Place
Sarah Michelle Gellar: A Flevans Salute
Sarah Michelle Gellar: Brighter Than Any Star In The Sky
Sarah Michelle Gellar: The Happy Slayer
Sarah Michelle Gellar: When beauty exceeds its limits
Slain By Sarah
SMG Universe
Sweet Sarah Michelle Gellar - quotes, pictures, and more.
Undeniably Sarah Michelle Gellar - pictures, videos, biography, and links for the star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Visions of Sarah Michelle Gellar
Web Directory: Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan Webring
Wildroid's Sarah Michelle Gellar Site
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