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Buffy 3.06 Screen Grabs - Band Candy

Here are some home made screen grabs, if you have any requests for other grabs, please feel free to send them to me at, and I'll add them.

Actually I had clothes on Buffy, but then your mother visited, and one thing lead to another... Buffy, I know the Angel breakup left you vulnerable, but dating him? Just clean them off before you use them honey. Well, it was either Lurconis, or Willy the One Eyed Wonder Worm. Why don't you just relax Mister Trick, let me give you a back rub. Oz? What's that poking out of your pants?

Publicity photos:

Page by Webmaster Mathew - June, 2003

Special thanks to The Complete Buffy Episode Guide for inspiration and technical help, as well as Buffy episode links, and all the readers of the Watcher's Diary for their feedback in making this page what it is.

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