A Goodbye Kiss for
Valentine's Day
by Jacque1in
Genre: Poetry
Rating: PG
Notes: Answer to a Valentine's Day challenge by DesertRoaz to write a poem from Spike to Buffy for Valentine's Day, in William's style. I.e., it's supposed to be bloody awful poetry. ;-)
You make me want to kiss or kill you
Lips or teeth to ease to my pain
Still the changes you're invoking
Beneath the cross of your disdain
Your words are weapons, sharply driven
Through my heart that knows no beat
Staking all my fragile efforts
Dusting me beneath your feet
Would that I were so insouciant
Retorts and blows would fall as air
Flying past and never touching
Tender hopes that I've laid bare
Don't you see that you've replaced me
In this body living dead?
That your soul is now my spirit,
That your mind is in my head?
Press your crimson lips to mine, love
Even as you slay me dead
For this I know, though you refuse it,
'Tis sure that who I was has fled.
All that's left is your reflection
In this body you deny
So kiss and kill me, bloody love me
For its yourself you kiss goodbye.