Spike Haiku

by Various Authors


Genre: Poetry

Rating: G


Spike haikus sprang up

after poetry scene in Tough Love:

I wonder why?


By Alane:

William the poet

still lurking within the heart

of Spike, vampire


Blondie Bear says `love'

to woman who lights his life

Buffy is graceful


By Cousinjean:

Jean cannot resist

the siren call of haiku

she will do her best


She digs poetry.

Yeah. Poetry in motion.

That's our Blondie-bear.


Two short scenes--enough

to redeem "Tough Love." Because,

it's All. About. Spike.


The hair is shiny,

silky, and so touchable.

Spike must pet the hair.


He's okay. Not good,

but not evil anymore.

Lovely shades of gray.


"I'd do it," he says

Redemptionista hearts float

'Shippers all go "Awwww!"


Comforting advice

and snark-free admonishment.

Our boy's growing up.


By Deanna:

Lovely Cecily,

Your glance sends me heavenward,

Yet I'm beneath you?


Nancy-boy hair gel,

Sodding soulful broody-boy.

Poof of a Sire.


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