Real Me

Episode 5.2

Written by David Fury

Full episode synopsis from Buffyguide (

Synopsis of Spike’s Scenes:

Spike meets up with ex-squeeze Harmony, who is plotting to kill the Slayer. Later, Buffy comes to Spike for the location of Harmony’s lair but has to punch the information out of him.

Oh MY, brief but so much fun. Until "Fool for Love", this was my favourite Spike episode of Season Five...he OOZES sex appeal in that scene with, where was I? [caroline]

This episode is significant in terms of Spike’s redemption for the following reasons:

Not much redemption potential in this episode.

Well, he lies to Buffy right off, but mostly, audience sympathy has to be with Spike in this episode. [caroline]

This episode is significant for a future Buffy/Spike relationship for the following reasons:

No relationship potential in this episode. After all, it was written by David Fury. What this episode does succeed in doing is emphasizing Spike’s sexiness, particularly in his scenes with Harmony.

Um...did I mention I find him hugely sexually arousing in the first scene with Harm? And well, it is mentioned he's been killing those bad vampires, that's a good thing, right? [caroline]

A different perspective using the benefit of hindsight:

But I think she does understand, even if at this point she's not acknowledging it yet, that Spike doesn't see the pounding the same way a human would. She knows that he equates the violence with sex on some level--to him it's "third base." In which case she's being a c***-tease. [dori]

Maybe punching Spike in the nose is third base for Buffy as well.. [jodi]

Line by Line Analysis of Script

Transcript by joan the english chick for the Psyche transcripts site:

A hand taps Brad on the shoulder, and when he turns, it punches him in the face. He goes down. The other three minions turn.

SPIKE: Happy to oblige. Here I thought it was gonna be a slow night. (puffing on a cigarette, sizing up the minions) Step on up, kiddies. Thrashings for all.

The minions start forward.


She emerges from behind Mort. Spike looks surprised.

SPIKE: Well. Hello, Harm.

HARMONY: Spikey. I mean, Spike.

SPIKE: Long time. You look good.

HARMONY: I feel good.

SPIKE: (smirks) I remember.

They both grin.

I can't tell you how many times I've re-played that first scene. Like I was saying before, he is just so utterly sexual in this scene, and Harmony, being the only woman Spike has every dated with a brain (good lord, did I just say that??) is responding to it. He also looks completely yummy, and has such an air of confidence about him. [caroline]

When Spike meets with Harmony he displays the same combination of attraction/revulsion that he usually has for her. He is attracted to her because she is pretty and blonde (!) but he can't stand her stupidity. He is amused by her gang, and doesn't take them seriously..or her threats against the Slayer either. [jody]

The only additional thing I'd like to say is that, when Mort or whatever his name is reminds Harmony that she shouldn't be talking to Spike because he wars on his own kind, this just accentuates Spike's isolation from both camps (humanity and the demon world). However, there is no mood of pathos at this point; the tone of the episode overall is quite light, and Spike is positively jaunty and cheerful as, first, he promises "thrashings for all" to the Harmony gang and, later, walks away with a cheery wave. Spike seems quite happy being a loner, and he thinks Harmony's minions are "circus freaks." He seems above it all, and pleased to be that way. [clairel]

HARMONY: How've you been?

SPIKE: (shrugs) Not bad. Just got a brand-new telly in my crypt, so...

It's also interesting that his main bragging point to Harmony in his invitation to come see him is that he has a new TV. That's something that he's always enjoyed. Television programming gives him the opportunity to observe human behaviour from a safe distance, [davendeanna]

MORT: (walking up behind Harmony) Why are you talking to him?

HARMONY: It's okay, we used to go steady. (sighs) Spike, Mort. Mort, this is-

MORT: I know who he is. He kills our kind.

HARMONY: Oh yeah! (to Spike)What's up with that?

SPIKE: (shrugs) Bloke's gotta have a hobby, don't he? Piss off, Mort.

I did like the way the minions pointed out that Spike's not someone to talk to, since he kills their kind. If even the newly-vamped know this about him, he really has made quite a bad name for himself in the vampire community. Spike seems unconcerned about this. "Bloke's gotta have a hobby." Fighting the forces of evil is a hobby to him, and apparently he's been doing it well. [davendeanna]

Mort growls and steps forward, but Harmony stops him.

HARMONY: Mort, just give us ... a couple minutes, 'kay? (Turns back to Spike) He's really testy. Some of us were thinking of voting him out of the gang. (She

and Spike step aside where the minions can't overhear.)

SPIKE: Gang?

HARMONY: Oh, yeah. I've got my own gang now.

SPIKE: (checking out the minions) Is that what those circus freaks are?

HARMONY: Uh huh. I mean ... shut up! (Spike grins) We're gonna kill the slayer.

SPIKE: Singing my song now, are you? You should pay me royalties for that one, or at least get your own tune.

HARMONY: I'm not gonna make the same mistakes you did. I've been doing my homework, reading books and stuff.

SPIKE: What, Evil for Dummies? (walks around her) Look at you, all puffed up and mighty, thinking you're the new Big Bad. It's, uh ... well, let's face it, it's


HARMONY: You just can't stand the fact that I'm my own person now. There comes a time in every woman's life when she realizes she needs to take the next step.

I've taken it. I've found the real me... and I like her.

Spike moves closer to her during this speech until their faces are inches away.

SPIKE: Hope you'll be very happy together. In the meantime, save slayer slaying for the professionals.

HARMONY: (sighs) You'll see. Buffy'll be dead by sunrise. I've got a plan.

SPIKE: (chuckling) Lemme guess. Snatch one of her friends, use 'em as bait, lead her into a trap. That sort of thing?

HARMONY: (bluffing) No! Much, much better one. (Spike looks skeptical.) I'm not gonna tell you!

SPIKE: Thought as much. Best of luck. Let me know how this arch-villain thing works out for you. (Backs away and walks off)

HARMONY: I'll do that. (shouting after him) And after Buffy is gone? I'm gonna kill everybody in this town that was ever mean to me ... Spike!

Spike waves a hand over his shoulder as he walks off. Harmony sighs, then turns back to the minions.

HARMONY: (smiling) Guys! New plan.


Cut to a TV showing mostly static. Spike bangs on it and fiddles with the knobs and antenna for a while, with no results.

SPIKE: Bollocks. Gonna have to pinch one of those satellite dishes.

Perhaps television now allows Spike to feel bonds of friendship with the fictional characters that helps ease the loneliness of his real life. His distress that the TV isn't working right is immediately followed by his real-life "friend," Buffy, repeatedly pounding him in the nose and treating him like crap. The way this is written seems to be designed to make the audience feel sympathy towards Spike. Can you imagine Buffy using the same methods while requesting information from any human? <Punch!> "Xander, have you seen Willow around anywhere?" [davendeanna]

He looks up as the door bangs open and Buffy strides in.

SPIKE: Well, speaking of dishes, to what do I owe this unpleasant- (Buffy hits him in the face) Ow! Bloody hell!

BUFFY: (grabbing his shirt) I don't have time for banter, Spike. Where's Harmony's lair?

SPIKE: Haven't seen her in months. How should I know- (Buffy hits him in the face again) Ow!

BUFFY: Where is she?

SPIKE: At least lay off the nose. (Buffy pulls back her fist) Okay! Okay! Used to have a cave in the north woods. About forty meters past the overpass construction site.

Buffy punches him in the nose again, then lets go and turns to leave.

SPIKE: Ow!! I was telling you the truth!

BUFFY: (leaving) I know.

Spike rubs his nose and glares after her.

Does it EVER occur to Buffy to simply ASK Spike what she wants to know, and THEN maybe punch him if he doesn't answer? Duh..suprisingly, Spike isn't too eager to cooperate and she has to punch him again before she gets the truth out of him. Then, of course, she punches him again just for no reason. Bitch, much? [jody]

I think that for Buffy to KNOW that Spike was giving her true information, and to deliver one final good-bye punch to the nose just for the hell of it AFTER he gave the information, was one of the most inexcusable things she has ever done, and very good grounds for Spike to be resentful and malevolent thereafter. Why on earth shouldn't he be, really? [clairel]

Maybe she wants to keep him as the "enemy." It makes it easier to deal with him as non-entity if he is something she can slap around. And if the chip comes out and he hates her, then it will be easier to stake him. [alanesue]


Signs that Spike cannot be redeemed:

Key Changes from Shooting Script:

See the shooting script at:


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