Out of My Mind

Episode 5.4

Written by Rebecca Rand Kirschner

Full episode synopsis from Buffyguide (http://www.buffyguide.com/episodes/outofmymind.shtml)

Synopsis of Spike’s Scenes:

Buffy, Spike, and Riley have a run-in in the cemetary, where both men try to help her slay, earning not her gratitude but her annoyance. Later, Harmony and Spike reconnect when she thinks Buffy is chasing her. When Riley develops side effects from the Initiative implant, Buffy goes to Spike to help her find Riley in the Initiative caves and bring him to a doctor from the Initiative. Instead, Spike kidnaps the doctor with Harmony’s help and threatens him to get him to remove the chip. When the operation is complete, Buffy and Riley storm in. Spike and Buffy fight, but just when Spike is about to bite her, the chip kicks in—the doctor never removed it. Spike and Harmony escape when Riley collapses. Later, Spike has a dream about Buffy and realizes he is falling in love with her.

This episode is significant in terms of Spike’s redemption for the following reasons:

This episode is significant for a future Buffy/Spike relationship for the following reasons:

Line by Line Analysis of Script

Transcript by joan the english chick for the Psyche transcripts site:


Another person appears from the left side of the screen and tackles the new vamp, carrying him to the ground. Buffy looks bemused.

BUFFY: Why do I even bother to show up?

The two fighters get up and we see that the newcomer is Spike. He blocks a couple of punches from the other vamp, then grabs his arm.

BUFFY: Spike, what are you doing here?

SPIKE: Same thing as you and your Cub Scout here, I'll wager.

He lands a few punches and the vamp goes down. Spike turns toward Buffy with a big grin.

SPIKE: A spot of violence before bedtime.

The other vamp punches him in the face and he goes down. He gets to his knees, wiping blood from his nose. The other vamp growls. Buffy rushes forward.

Shot of Spike standing up, still wiping his nose with his hand. The other vamp attacks from the left. Buffy appears from the right, shoves Spike out of the way, and stakes the vamp.

Spike exhales loudly, and Buffy gives him a dirty look.

SPIKE: What? I softened him up.

He wipes more blood from his nose, sniffs it, then licks it from his fingers.

BUFFY: Better keep out of my way, Spike. I'm not gonna take this much longer. (Riley walks over to join them.)

SPIKE: And I should do what in my spare time? Sit at home knitting cunning sweater sets?

BUFFY: Would it keep you out of my way?

RILEY: She's right. You shouldn't be out here when she's patrolling.

Buffy turns to Riley in exasperation as if she's going to say something, but she doesn't.

SPIKE: Oh! I saw that. Looks like neither boy's entirely welcome. You should take him home, Slayer. Make him stay there. I've got knitting needles he can borrow.

Riley looks annoyed.

BUFFY: Spike ... I just saw you taste your own nose blood, you know what? (Spike grins at her) I'm too grossed out to hear anything you have to say. Go home.

She stalks off. Riley gives Spike a dirty look, then follows. Spike looks injured.

SPIKE: (yelling after them) It's blood! It's what I do!


Cut back to Spike staring after them.

SPIKE: I will know your blood, Slayer. (pause) I will make your neck my chalice ... and drink deep.

He wipes blood from his nose again, turns, and tries to stride away purposefully, but he falls into an open grave.

Long shot of the graveyard looking empty, with the open grave in the foreground.

SPIKE: (voice coming from the grave) Ow!

I think this scene is undermining the idea of Spike as villain. It’s turning his threatening words into physical comedy and pratfalls. We’re not really supposed to see him as the Big Bad any more. [wendy]


Cut to the graveyard, night. The camera pans jerkily across gravestones and bushes. We hear the sound of someone panting. The camera moves up the stairs leading into a crypt.

Cut to Spike sitting in his crypt, watching TV.

SPIKE: Oh Pacey, you blind idiot. Can't you see she doesn't love you?

Suddenly there's a banging on the door. Spike jumps up and turns off the TV. More banging and Harmony comes in, looking disheveled and nervous. She shuts the door behind her and presses her back against the wall.

SPIKE: Well, well, well. Looky here.

HARMONY: (anxiously) Is it safe? Has Buffy gotten to you yet? I saw her patrolling just now ... with a stake! (Spike pretends to look shocked) She won't give up until she's killed me to death!

SPIKE: (skeptical) Buffy's looking for you.

HARMONY: Of course! (walks forward) That's why I'm on the lam. Didn't you hear? I'm totally her arch-nemesis!

SPIKE: Is that right. I must have missed the memo.

HARMONY: There was a mem-? (sighs) Spike, oh my god! This is like a real emergency! Uhh! (Spike grins) I need a hideout so bad. You're my only hope. We're just gonna have to rise above ... our petty differences... (looks anxiously at Spike) Listen, Spike ... I'm desperate.

SPIKE: (still grinning, looking her up and down) Desperate, are you?

Harmony smiles a cajoling smile.

HARMONY: Come on, Spike. Pretty please? I'll do anything!

SPIKE: Anything, will you?

HARMONY: Yeah! I said I'll do anything.

Spike raises his eyebrows.

HARMONY: Ohhhh. You mean will I have sex with you? (shrugs casually, like "duh") Well, yeah.

Spike grins to himself as Harmony sits in his chair and takes out a cigarette. She begins flicking a lighter, trying to light it. She flicks it quite a few times before she finally figures it out and gets the cigarette lit.

SPIKE: Taking up smoking, are you?

Harmony leans back in the chair.

HARMONY: I *am* a villain, Spike, hellooooo. (Takes a drag and starts to cough)

SPIKE: I guess you are at that. What with the slayer on your tail and all.

Harmony watches him warily.

SPIKE: She's not the type to give up, either. She'll hunt you down, day and night, till you're too tired and too hungry to run any more. And then? (leans down to grab a handful of dust) Then... (dusting off his hands) that is you.

Harmony looks upset.

SPIKE: I guess you're gonna have to kill her.

HARMONY: (whining) I tried! It was all hard and stuff! (sits up) You do it.

SPIKE: (looking down at her) I'd love to. But, I can't. Remember? I've got this cute little government chip in my head.

HARMONY: (sighs) Oh, right. Guess it'll have to be me after all. (looks up at Spike again) Can you help with the thinking?

SPIKE: (nods) Yeah. I suppose I could do that.

Harmony smiles and sits back again, putting the cigarette to her lips.

James and Mercedes have such an easy chemistry together, and it is so nice to see somebody treat Spike like a, well, human being. I know that Harmony doesn't exactly challenge Spike's intellect, but really, he should have put more effort into this relationship! [caroline]

Something else everyone should keep in mind. The chip does NOT prevent Spikefrom being Evil, only from directly and physically causing harm. I'd like to think that part of the message that ME was sending us in The Yoko Factor was that Spike is perfectly capable of doing immoral, bad things IF HE CHOOSES to do so. The fact that he's been able to turn his back on Evil to the extent that he has this season is amazing, when you think about it. [alane]

This scene is supposed to show us how Spike really can be Evil so long as he can manipulate others into doing his dirty work for him. Since he has been rendered "impotent" ("flaccid") by the chip, it has been easy for us to assume Spike is harmless—but he’s not, even chipped. In fact, it just goes to show how much damage Spike could do if he had intent. The thing is, he doesn’t really want to kill Buffy. [wendy]


Cut to Spike sitting with Harmony in the crypt.

SPIKE: Okay, is it bigger than a breadbox?

HARMONY: (smiling) No. Four left.

SPIKE: So it's smaller than a breadbox.

HARMONY: (giggling) No! Only three!

SPIKE: (quietly annoyed) Harmony ... is it a sodding breadbox?

HARMONY: (clapping and laughing) Yes! Oh my god! Someone's blondie bear is a twenty-question genius!

This is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Poor Spike! I hope the sex was really good! [caroline]

Once again, Spike is a "fool for love." Or is he simply willing to go along with Harmony’s games in order to get her to kill Buffy for him? [wendy]

Banging on the door. Harmony stops laughing and looks scared.

HARMONY: She's found me!

She jumps up and runs over to a coffin, climbs into it. Spike follows and slides the lid onto the coffin, then sits on top of it trying to look casual.

Buffy busts the door open and strides in.

BUFFY: I've got a proposition for you.

SPIKE: (jumping off the coffin) Funny, I've got a proposition for you, what about knocking? (Buffy ignores him, pulling out a wad of cash and unfolding it) Seems only fair since we vamps can't enter your flat without an invite, you could at least - Say, look at those pretty pieces of paper.

BUFFY: Riley's sick with some Initiative thing and he's missing. I think he might be in the caves. You find him, bring him to the fourth floor of the hospital, their doctors get to him in time... (holds up the money) you get the cash.

SPIKE: Oh, dear, is the enormous hall monitor sick? Tell me, is he gonna die?

Buffy slaps him across the face.

BUFFY: He is not the only person that can die.

SPIKE: Hey. I'm just saying, if it's really that important to you, I think I'll get half now.

Buffy looks at the money in her hand. She rips the bills in half, slams one half against Spike's chest, and strides out.

Spike watches her go, then looks down at the half-bills in his hand.

Harmony pushes the coffin lid aside and peeks out.

HARMONY: So? What'd she say about me?

Yawn, back to threatening-mode Buffy, although I do give her points for not punching him right off this time, and actually trying to make some sort of business transaction. [caroline]


The door opens and Buffy walks in, followed by Riley.

SPIKE: (fiercely) Slayer!

He jumps off the table. Harmony moves to stand beside him, holding the crossbow. Buffy and Riley stand side-by-side. Faceoff.

The doctor tries to sidle around toward the door.

Spike morphs into vampire face.

SPIKE: Suit up, Harm.

Harmony morphs into vampire face.

Buffy turns to stop the doc as he tries to leave.

BUFFY: Stay here. (She pushes him so he falls to the floor) We're gonna need you.

SPIKE: Buffy. I swear I was just thinking of you. I wanted to tell you the great news. My head's all clear now. No more bug-zapper in my noggin.

BUFFY: That means I get to kill you.

SPIKE: You get to try.

The standoff continues. Suddenly the crossbow goes off and the arrow flies, landing in Riley's leg. Buffy looks over at him. Riley doesn't seem to react.


Riley storms toward her. She moves toward him. He brushes the crossbow out of her hands.

Buffy punches Spike in the face.

Riley throws Harmony down on the operating table, picks her up and throws her against a wall full of equipment.

Buffy punches Spike in the face a few more times; he stumbles back against the operating table.

Riley punches Harmony, throws her across the room, leans against a counter panting. He turns as Harmony shoves a wheeled chair toward him. He trips over it and goes down. Harmony kicks him in the face.

Spike jumps up onto the operating table and grins down at Buffy. In the background we can still see and hear Riley and Harmony exchanging blows.

SPIKE: At long last.

He leaps on top of Buffy, carrying her to the ground and landing on top of her. He pins her hands down and bends to bite her neck.

Buffy struggles.

Spike gives a yell of pain and jerks backward. Buffy punches him, then shoves him off her so he lands next to the doctor. Spike looks angrily at Overheiser, who looks scared.

Poor Spike, I really felt bad for him here, the little dear thought he was finally back to form, only to have it dashed again. Was great to see him facing off against Buffy again, even though it was all too brief. [caroline]


Cut to exterior graveyard, night. Spike and Harmony run between the trees and gravestones.

SPIKE: Buffy, Buffy, Buffy! Everywhere I turn, she's there! That nasty little face, that ... bouncing shampoo-commercial hair, that whole sodding holier-than-thou attitude.

HARMONY: Well, aren't we kinda unholy, by the-

SPIKE: She follows me, you know, tracks me down. I'm her pet project. Drive Spike round the bend. Makes every day a fresh bout of torture.

He stops running, picks up a headstone and throws it against another. Harmony cringes as the dust showers her.


SPIKE: You don't understand. I can't get rid of her. She's everywhere. She's haunting me, Harmony!

He grabs her upper arms. She looks very scared. Spike stares at her, slowly calms down.

SPIKE: (quietly) This ... has got to end.

Anybody else find him hurling the headstone rather sexy? Or am I just a sick, sick puppy? That last line, 'this has got to end' is delivered with such anguish, that you almost feel bad for him, but then you remember that he's just miserable that he wasn't able to kill Buffy and add her to his list of slain slayers. [caroline]


Spike’s Dream:

Cut to Spike's crypt. Spike is sleeping in his chair. Banging noises. Spike opens his eyes and gets up as the door flies open and Buffy walks in.

SPIKE: Should have known it's you. Been nearly six hours.

BUFFY: Well, it would've been less if I wasn't busy cleaning up your mess.

SPIKE: *My* mess? I just *borrowed* the doc. The mess is yours, Slayer. Yours and the boy's.

BUFFY: I'm done.

She takes a stake from her back pocket and walks toward Spike. He looks surprised.

BUFFY: Spike, you're a killer. And I shoulda done this *years* ago.

Spike looks her in the eye.

SPIKE: You know what? Do it. Bloody just do it.

BUFFY: What?

SPIKE: End ... my ... torment. Seeing you, every day, everywhere I go, every time I turn around. Take me ... out of a world ... that has you in it! (Yanks off his shirt and throws it aside) Just kill me!

Buffy stares at him, then raises her stake and lunges. Spike winces, but she stops at the last minute. They stare into each other's eyes.

Suddenly Spike grabs Buffy by the upper arms and kisses her passionately. She returns the kiss. It goes on for a moment and then Buffy pulls back with a little noise of dismay, bringing her hand to her mouth. She stares at Spike and he stares back, both panting. The stake is gone from her hand.

Slowly Buffy drops her hand from her mouth and walks back to Spike, putting both her hands to the back of his head and pulling him down toward her. They kiss again, very passionate. Spike brings his hands up to clutch her back, kissing her cheek and the side of her neck.

BUFFY: (panting) Spike ... I want you.

SPIKE: (muffled against her neck) Buffy, I love you.

He pulls back. Closeup of Buffy staring at him.

SPIKE: (OS) God, I love you so much.

Cut to Spike sitting up in bed with a gasp.

Shot of Harmony sleeping in the bed next to him.

Shot of Spike sitting up in the bed, looking horrified, while Harmony continues to sleep.

SPIKE: Oh, god, no.

Closeup of Spike's face.

SPIKE: Please, no.

Spike has a little dream/nightmare that spawned a thousand bad fanfics. :) [caroline]

Interesting that in his dream Spike says "I love you" and Buffy says "I want you." He can’t imagine Buffy ever loving him? Is this significant? [wendy]

Signs that Spike cannot be redeemed:


Key Changes from Shooting Script:

See the shooting script at:


During the opening scene in the cemetary:

SPIKE: Is he your sidekick now? That's too cute. You know, you should think about getting one of those motorbikes with the little sidecars. Could be precious. (re: Riley) Look at 'im go."

When Buffy visits Spike in the crypt:

Buffy sees the beat-up "BUFFY MANNEQUIN" in the corner, partly hidden behind something. She can't quite figure out what it is. She starts to look closer but Spike steps into her line of sight.

During the fight scene, this was cut:


SPIKE AND BUFFY circle each other warily; two fighters waiting for the moment to attack. Their faces dark with hate.

And, of course, the cut scene that so many of us would love to have a purloined copy of …. [caroline]

He presses his body against hers, running his hands down her back. She moans softly.

She CLAWS at his bare chest, scratching him with her nails.

SPIKE (overwhelmed): Slayer...

And then she PUSHES him hard, knocking him to the ground. She straddles him, GRINDING against him. She supports herself on her arms, brushing his face with her hair, teasing him.

Spike pulls her arms out from under her, so that she falls on his chest. He rolls her over, so that now he's on top.


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