Hero Abilities Package - Demon, Vengeance
Vengeance Demon Racial Package (Cost 135-85=50)
- Ability
- Characteristics - +12 STR, linked to Shape Shift (-1/2) - Cost 8
- Damage Resistance - 2 resistant ED and PD - Cost 2
- Elemental Control - 10 point reserve - Cost 0/10
- A. Healing - 1D6, regeneration, reduced endurance - 0 END persistent (+1), extra time - 1 minute (-1 1/2), self only (-1/2) - Cost 20/3
- B. Shape Shift - 1 shape, effects sight, reduced endurance - 0 endurance persistent (+1), limited effect - visible light only (-1/4) - Cost 20/8
- Life Support - longevity - does not age - Cost 5
- Multipower Reserve - 60 points, concentrate(-1/4), increased endurance cost - x3 END (-1) - Cost 60/27
- Multipower slot - Energy Blast, 6D6 damage, stun only, double knockback (+3/4) - Cost 52/2
- Multipower slot - Extradimensional Movement, to Arashmahar and back - Cost 20/1
- Multipower slot - Mind Scan, 6D6 effect, +2 to roll, 13 levels, only against those with vengeance on their minds (-1/2) - Cost 58/2
- Multipower slot - Teleport, 10 inches, increased range - x250 range - Cost 60/3
- Variable Power Pool - 50 points, no skill roll required (+1/2), only change in a given circumstance (when someone wishes) (-1/2), focus - obvious accessable and fragile (-1 1/4), incantations (-1/4), concentrate (-1/4), only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 64
- Language - choose one (native) - Cost 0
- Disadvantage
- Distinctive Features - adept, detectable by small group, noticed - Cost -5
- Distinctive Features - game face, easily concealable, major reaction - Cost -10
- Hunted - by various enemies, as powerful, 8 or less - Cost -10
- Physical Limitation - must answer when called on, infrequently, greatly - Cost -10
- Psych Limitation - duty to vengeance, common, strong - Cost -15
- Reputation - powerful demon, 8 or less, extreme reputation - Cost 10
- Secret ID - demon genie - Cost -15
- Watched - by D'Hoffryn, more powerful, non-combat influence, mild, appears on a 11 or less - Cost -10
Conversion Notes: This package is written for 5th edition Champions rules. The Variable Power Pool can be used to simulate most common wishes. Turning a target into a frog or a demon or making them french can be done with a simple transform. Wishing damage to someone, like wishing their internal organs would twist up, would be a simple killing attack. Transporting someone to another dimension could be done with an Extradimensional Movement. The wish power works through a fragile focus, her necklace. I decided that she doesn't loose her other powers if she loses the necklace, because merely having it taken away doesn't turn her mortal.
Race created by Joss Whedon.
Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - mathewignash@comcast.net.
Last Updated - August, 2003
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