"Doomed" Demon

Demon Description:

History: This demon was a captive of The Initiative in early 2000.


Appearances: Doomed.

Show notes:

"Earshot" Demons

Demon Description:

History: Two of these demons came to Sunnydale, California in the fall of 1999. One was killed by Buffy Summers and another was killed by Angel the vampire.

Powers: These demons could read minds, and those who were infected by their blood could read minds too, but not control the power.

Appearances: Earshot.

Show notes:

"Five By Five" Demons

Demons Description:



Appearances: Five By Five.

Show notes:

"Gingerbread" Demon - DECEASED

Demon Description:

History: This demon came to Sunnydale, California in the beginning of 1999, but was killed by Buffy Summers.


Appearances: Gingerbread.

Show notes:

"New Moon Rising" Demon #1

Demon #1 Description: A reptilian humanoid with long spines sprouting from the back of it's head.

History: This demon came to Sunnydale, California in early 2000, was knocked unconscious by Buffy Summers and captuered by The Initiative.

Powers: Unknown.

Appearances: New Moon Rising.

Show notes: None

"New Moon Rising" Demon #2

Demon #2 Description:

History: This demon came to Sunnydale, California in early 2000 and attacked an Initiative squad.


Appearances: New Moon Rising.

Show notes:

"New Moon Rising" Demon #3

Demon #3 Description:

History: This demon was a captive of The Initiative in early 2000.


Appearances: New Moon Rising.

Show notes:

"The Prodigal" Demon - DECEASED

Demon Description:

History: This demon ran a mystical drug running ring, but was killed by Angel.


Appearances: The Prodigal.

Show notes: Played by actor Mark Ginther.

"Sanctuary" Demon - DECEASED

Demon Description:



Appearances: Sanctuary.

Show notes:

"Something Blue" Demon

Demon Description: This demon had green scaly skin, no hair and a large pair of horns on it's head.


Powers: This demon was stonger and more resistant to harm then a normal human.

Appearances: Something Blue.

Show notes:

"Where The Wild Things Are" Demon - DECEASED

Demon Description:

History: This demon came to Sunnydale, California in early 2000 and was killed by Buffy Summers.


Appearances: Where The Wild Things Are.

Show notes:

Page by Webmaster Mathew - May, 2000

Special thanks to The Complete Buffy Episode Guide for inspiration and technical help, as well as Buffy episode links and all the readers of the Watcher's Diary for their feedback in making this page what it is.

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