Description The Eliminati were a group of sword weilding vampires
in sevice of the demon Balthazar.
Powers: They had the normal powers and vulnerabilities of
Appearances: Bad Girls.
Names: Vincent.
Empath Demons
Description Empath demons have ruddy skin, 4 small horns and pointed
ears and nose.
Powers: Empath demons are empathic, they can sense the emotions
of those around them with great detail.
Appearances: Parting Gifts.
Names: Barney.
Ethros Demons
Description: An Ethros demon appears to be a pale humanoid with
large wrinkles on it's face and yellow eyes. They have pointed teeth
and deep inhuman voices.
Powers: Although they have a physical body, an Ethros Demon can turn
to energy and possess people. They have a tendency for mass murder, and try
to corrupt the souls of those they possess and kill those around them. They
can scan the surface thoughts of those near them, imitate voices, and
possess some level of telekinetic power. They are vulnerable to the cross
and holy water and can be bound by certain circles. They secrete a green glowing fluid called plakticine both in
normal form and when possessing others. The possessed victims have enhanced
strength and can manifest a demonic appearance. If the host of an Ethros
demon ingests eucalipsis powder they manifest their demon aspect and go into
a fit. The demon can be forced out by an exorcism ritual. When an Ethros is
cast out it immediately seeks another body to inhabit. The demon is expelled
with such force that the newly inhabited rarely survives. When wounded an
Ethros demon seeks primordial volcanic basalt to aid in it's regeneration.
Appearances: I've Got You Under My Skin.
Show notes:
History: Eyghon was a possessing demon summoned by Rupert Giles, Ethan Raine and their friends for
fun. The would let it possess them and the get a high off it. Things got
serious when one of their friends was killed. Eventually it followed Rupert
and possessed his girlfriend Jenny Calendar. She was saved when they forced
it out of her and into Angel, who fought the demon
for possession of his body and won.
Powers: Eyghon was a possessing demon who could take over the bodies
of dead or sleeping humans. When possessing them they become more
powerful physically and can manifest his appearance.
Appearances: The Dark Age.
Page by Webmaster Mathew - November, 2000
Special thanks to The Complete Buffy Episode Guide for
inspiration and technical help, as well as Buffy episode links and all the
readers of the
Watcher's Diary for their feedback in making this page what it is.