Camal Description:

Powers: Camal was a Prio Motu demon, with all the normal powers and vulnerabilities of one.

Appearances: Judgement.

Show notes: Played by actor ?

Candy Gorch - DECEASED

Candy Gorch Description: Candy was a caucasian human female who was turned into a vampire in her twenties or thirties.

Powers: Candy had the normal powers and vulnerabilities of a vampire.

Appearances: Homecoming.

Show notes: Played by actress Lee Everett.

Colin, The Anointed One - DECEASED

Colin Description: Colin was only a small boy when turned into a vampire.

Powers: Colin had the normal powers and vulnerabilities of a vampire. He was also a psychic sensitive, and rumored to hold great powers.

Appearances: Never Kill At Boy On The First Date, Nightmares, Prophecy Girl, When She Was Bad, School Hard.

Show Notes: Played by actor Andrew J. Ferchland.

Cribb, Tom

See Tom Cribb.

Page by Webmaster Mathew - April, 2001

Special thanks to The Complete Buffy Slayer Episode Guide for inspiration and technical help, as well as Buffy episode links and all the readers of the Watcher's Diary for their feedback in making this page what it is.

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