''Angel will suffer the greatest loss of his life, his son will be taken, but this betrayal will come from within.''

Angel Sleep Tight - 3ADH16

Written by David Greenwalt - Directed by Terrence O'Hara - First aired on March 4th, 2002

Synopsis - Creature Feature - Cool Quotes - References - Continuity - Goofs - Trivia - The Morgue - Cast - Famous Faces - Points Of View


Wesley takes Connor The Short: Angel's angry behavior and sudden cravings for human blood frighten Wesley enough for him to kidnap the baby to keep him safe. Unfortunately, Wesley's plan to protect Connor falls apart when Holtz takes the child for revenge against Angel.

The Long: Unfinished.

Creature Feature

A new dimension shown in this episode is Quortoth, darkest of the dark dimensions. We learn Sahjhan has the ability to open portals to Quortoth.

Wraithers are demons who can assume the form of humans for short times and poison humans with demonic contamination.

Cool Quotes

  1. Unfinished.


  1. Angel: ''Yeah, and you look like hell. Not the fun one, where they burn you with hot pokers for all eternity, but the hard core one, you know, Nixon and Britney Spears?''
    Richard M. Nixon is...
    Britney Spears is...

  2. Angel: ''...the wreck of the Hesperus. I know.''
    The Hesperus is...

  3. Gunn: ''The Lakers, the music.''
    The Los Angeles Lakers a basketball team with the National Basketball Association. They have an official web site at http://www.nba.com/lakers/. Also mentioned by the host demon in Happy Anniversary.

  4. Kim: ''In a rehearsal space. It's an old loading dock behind the Shop'n'Go in Echo Park.''
    Shop'n'Go is...
    Echo Park is...

  5. Gunn: ''You were all hyped this morning. Then you went all Tyson on those demons. Then you kinda crashed. Then you had another drink, then you started throwing things.''
    Mike Tyson is...


  1. Gunn: ''Previously on Angel.''


  1. Unfinished.


  • Although Charisma Carpenter was credited in this episode as a star, she did not appear in any scenes except the ''Previously on Angel'' segment.

    Verizon Wireless
  • When this episode was first broadcast it had a commercial for Verizon Wireless set with the actor superimposed in scenes from Angel and with the Angel theme music playing in the background. Listen to the commercial here.

  • New names for Connor: Buddy (by Angel), Steven Franklin Thomas (by Holtz).

  • The Morgue

    1. Stevie, Raw and an anonymous Wraither demon, in their lair, torn apart by Angel.


    Angel David Boreanaz as Angel
    Cordelia Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase
    Wesley Alexis Denisof as Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
    Gunn J. August Richards as Charles Gunn
    Fred Amy Acker as Winifred "Fred" Burkle

    Guest Starring:
    Host Andy Hallett as the Host Demon (Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan)
    Lilah Stephanie Romanov as Lilah Morgan
    Justine Laurel Holloman as Justine Cooper
    Sahjhan Jack Conley as the Sahjhan
    Coming soon! Marina Benedict as Kim
    Holtz Keith Szarabajka as Daniel Holtz

    Coming soon! Jeff Denton as the Lead Guitar (Stevie)
    Coming soon! Jhaemi Willems as the Drummer (Raw)
    Coming soon! J. Scott Shonka as Commando #1
    Coming soon! Robert Forrest as Warrior #2
    Connor Jake Tupen, Connor Tupen and Trent Tupen as Connor Angel (Uncredited)

    Famous Faces

    Jeff Denton, the lead guitar, would go on to play a vampire in Lessons.

    Points Of View


    Page by Webmaster Mathew - January, 2003

    Special thanks to The Complete Buffy Episode Guide for inspiration and technical help, as well as Buffy episode links and all the readers of the Watcher's Diary for their feedback in making this page what it is.

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