''Angel was never meant to be a father, yet his child exists. Now the child's destiny is one Angel must never learn.''

Angel Loyalty - 3ADH15

Written by Mere Smith - Directed by James A. Contner - First aired on February 25th, 2002

Synopsis - Creature Feature - Cool Quotes - References - Continuity - Goofs - Trivia - The Morgue - Cast - Famous Faces - Points Of View


Fire The Short: Angel is concerned about Wesley's erratic behavior when the book man's greatest fears are secretly confirmed, the prophecy is true and he is given the three signs to look for before Angel devours his own son. When an earthquake shakes Los Angeles, all three signs come true.

The Long: Unfinished.

Creature Feature

Loa The Loa is yet another powerful entity which tells the future and gives cryptic prophecies. To summon it forth you are required to find it's statue, then sprinkle a magical powder and say ''Mange sec Loa, alegba, accept this offering and open the gates of truth.''

Holtz menions an objected called a Resikhian Urn, which can trap the transdimensinal essense of certain demons, including Sahjhan.

Cool Quotes

  1. Loa: ''Your insolence is displeasing.''
    Wesley: ''You try chatting with a cranky hamburger.''
    A badly needed comic scene during so much angst, I loved it.


  1. Sahjhan: ''What, is your part? Recruiting a bunch of paramilitary moonie freaks, who run around playing Candid Camera with Angel's buddies? That's crap. Admit it. You're a coward, and I bet Caroline would agree. You remember her, don't you? Your dead wife? Mother of your dead kids? How'd they die? Who swore revenge? Any of this ringing a bell?''
    Candid Camera is...


  1. Wesley: ''Previously on Angel.''


  1. Unfinished.


  • Although Charisma Carpenter was credited in this episode as a star, she did not appear in any scenes except the ''Previously on Angel'' segment.

    Verizon Wireless
  • When this episode was first broadcast it had a commercial for Verizon Wireless set with the actor superimposed in scenes from Angel and with the Angel theme music playing in the background. Listen to the commercial here.

  • I have heard rumor that Connor and the other two babies were played by the three babies who usually trade off playing Connor.

  • New name for Angel: Mister Dad.

  • The Morgue

    1. Unfinished.


    Angel David Boreanaz as Angel
    Cordelia Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase
    Wesley Alexis Denisof as Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
    Gunn J. August Richards as Charles Gunn
    Fred Amy Acker as Winifred "Fred" Burkle

    Guest Starring:
    Lilah Stephanie Romanov as Lilah Morgan
    Justine Laurel Holloman as Justine Cooper
    Sahjhan Jack Conley as the Sahjhan
    Aubrey Wendy Davis as Aubrey Jenkins
    Doctor Enrique Castillo as the Doctor
    Holtz Keith Szarabajka as Daniel Holtz

    Mothers Susan Martino as Mother #1 (Mrs. Ferguson)
    Mothers Annie Talbot as Mother #2
    Coming soon! Marci Hill as the Nurse
    Coming soon! Chris Devlin as the Holtzian Man
    Coming soon! Thom Scott II as the Holtzian Man #2
    Connor Jake Tupen, Connor Tupen and Trent Tupen as Connor Angel (Uncredited)

    Famous Faces

    Mothers Susan Martino, who played mother #1, also played Lucy in the Charmed episode Astral Monkey 2.20.

    Mothers Annie Talbot, who played mother #2, also played the lady with baby in Forever.

    Points Of View


    I loved the Burger-Loa!

    7 out of 10

    Page by Webmaster Mathew - March, 2003

    Special thanks to The Complete Buffy Episode Guide for inspiration and technical help, as well as Buffy episode links and all the readers of the Watcher's Diary for their feedback in making this page what it is.

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