Well I'm such a big fan of Angel and Buffy romance, don't ask me why, I just am.
So what do you think, is Angel and Buffy's love hopeless? Let me know.
Remember those times that Angel and Buffy acually kissed?
Well I'm here to tell ya when and the rate of the kisses.
Kiss 'O Meter
3 kisses. Whew! Melted the roof baby!
2 kisses. Aw that was so sweet. :)
1 kiss. Bittersweet and sad.
Sticking out tounge kiss. aka "You jerk! Stake 'em Buffy!" kiss! The more
"Sticking out the tounge kisses the more a jerk Angel was!
They actually had the horrible nerve to make Angel evil!
Kiss number 1:
In Buffy's bedroom: Kiss 'O Meter saids!
It was such a sweet kiss. Very tender!
of course then Angel turned into a vampire and kind of ruined it! Oh well!
Kiss Number 2:
At the Bronze. Kiss 'O Meter saids!
This kiss was very Bittersweet, when they were done they had to leave eachother
suppostly forever. :'(
Kiss Number 3:
In Buffy's bedroom again! (Halloween) Kiss 'O Meter saids!
Whew I felt the heat of that kiss! All I have to say is HOT! HOT! HOT! :)
Kiss Number 4:
On the ice skating rink. Kiss 'O Meter saids!
Awwww, that was the sweetest kiss! The way Angel was ashmed of his vamp. face
and then Buffy kissed Angel with his vamp face on! What a gal! What a guy! :)
Kiss Number 5:
Angel's apartment in episode "Ted" Kiss 'O Meter saids!
Whew! Man, make out city! (Okay so I'm being immature here, deal with it!) Got
to love this kiss! :-)
Kiss Number 6:
In the Graveyard scenes in episode "Bad Eggs" Kiss 'O Meter saids!
Dang! What a hot kiss. :-)
Kiss Number 7:
In Buffy's bedroom episode "Bad Eggs" I'd have to say a Catigory all it's own. Kind of sweet, kind of steamy. No kisses.
Kiss Number 8:
Ah heck I'm loosing track! They kiss to much now! :-)
Episode "Surprise" Angel's apartment (beginning of episode)
Kiss 'O Meter saids! I think they only have hot kisses now. ;-)
Kiss Number 9:
At the docks in episode "Surprise" Kiss 'O Meter saids!
That was sad! :-( Angel was leaving!
Kiss Number 10:
Angel's apartment in episdoe "Surprise"
The Kiss "O Meter saids' two rating's because it was kind of sad!
Because it was also very sweet. :-)
Kiss Number 11:
Angel's apartment in 'Innocence" Kiss 'O Meter saids!
Stake 'em Buffy!
In the hallway episode "Innocence" Kiss 'O Meter saids!
Kiss Number 12:
Season finale "Becoming part 2." Kiss 'O Meter saids!
OhmiGod wthat kiss was SO sad! I cried in this episode! :-( I know for a fact that DB
is coming back next season but I wonder how there going to fix this?
Kiss Number 13:
"Revlations" Kiss'O Meter saids!
Wow, Angel, Buffy, Get a room! ;-)
That's all the kisses for now! Hopefully they will kiss again soon.
What do you think the hottest kiss was so far?
Buffy's bedroom in ep "Angel" The Bronze in ep "Angel Buffys' bedroom in ep "Halloween" On the Ice Skating rink in ep "What's My Line Pt 1" Angel's apartment in ep "Ted." The graveyard scenes in episode "Bad Eggs" In Buffy's bedroom at the end of "Bad Eggs" Angel's apartment in the beginning of "Surprise" At the docks in episode "Surprise" Angel's apartment at the end of episode "Surprise" Angel when he is a mean freak in episode "Innocence" Season finale "Becoming Part2" awwww Angel's new digs in "Revelations" Angel and Buffy? Yuck! I don't even like them together!
Here are romanctic moment pictures.
This is just a romantic picture. :)
My favorite picture! I love this one!
Very bittersweet moment.
Aw yes one of "The kisses"
Good picture! :)
I just like that picture of Angel and Buffy.
Isn't this a cute picture? Buffy wearing the "famous jacket."
Yummm! Okay that's Angel. But this was a cute scene anyways. :-)
*Coming soon! Xander and Cordilla , Willow an Oz, and Maybe even Spike and Buffy.
I think those two have potential! <G> They will join the Romance Cafe. First I have
to think up ideas of what to do with them!
That's all for now! Come back soon and I'll have more stuff. :)
Keeper of Angel's anguish.
"I've just gotta..... walk away from this." Angel. from episode: "Angel."
"I'm sorry. I'll go. I missed you..." Angel from episode:
"When She Was Bad."
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